The Truth is....

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  Okay listen I need to lay down some truth. I know some of you might be struggling with stuff and I want to tell you guys something. So I know things get really tough but you need to work through it. I've struggled a lot with problems. So trust me when I say it gets better, I've been there. The hard truth is that people love you. There are hundreds of people that love you and they don't know it because they haven't met you yet. Why would you waste that amazing opportunity. You are amazing, and yes I know everyone says that but you really are.  When it gets hard take a step back, and look at the giant picture.

    Look at all of the people who have helped you, look at all of your friends who love you. They all care for you.  A single match can be seen in a room full of darkness. You need to stick with that match because if you stick with it, you will appreciate it so much. If you stick with that match, that match will lead you to millions of other matches and finally the room will be full of light. There was a time when I was sitting in my bed staring at my wall and thinking to myself that "there is no hope for me.... I could overdose and no one would notice. They would just think I'm sleeping. Everyone would be so much happier too...." But then I stepped back looked at everything that has happened ever since preschool to where I am now and I realized it. I realized that I have so many people that care about me. That would be devastated if they knew I did what I did. You only see a very limited amount, so to you maybe killing yourself seems like it's an escape but it only spreads the sadness and despair. I have been diagnosed with severe depression, insomnia, and panic attacks/anxiety. I have literally been called crazy all my life but you know what? People helped me. The way to deal is to surround yourself with people that you know will help you. Surround yourself with good people and most likely it will instantly get better.

  For those of you who cut, don't. I know easier said than don't trust me. Do what I do, if you ever feel the need to cut use a rubber band and flick your skin hard. It gives you the same feeling but without the permanent scars. You can ask anyone who has ever dealt with this a survived. They are happy they survived. The ';' is means that you could've ended it but you didn't and you should be proud.

The Truth Is....Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora