Chapter 7

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~Mario's pov~
"Cut deeper next time!" Weston said to Andrea. I looked at her with sorrow in my eyes and I think she noticed. We walked away and I felt terrible. "Dude fucking chill! Don't you think you've hurt her enough" i said annoyed. "Why do you care?" Weston asked. "I just do! Its not fair that we're doing this to her! She didn't do anything to us" i defended. "She may have not done anything to you but she sure as hell did
Something to me. And she is going to pay for it." Weston smirked. "Ok. You do whatever the hell you want but don't include me in it. Ok? Im fucking done hurting her" i said and walked away. "Ok now where is Andrea's house?" I asked myself. I tried to remember from when we used to hang out and after going to 6 different neighborhoods I remembered exactly where she lived. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door. "Coming" i heard. The door opened and as soon as she saw me she slammed the door in my face. "Ok I deserve that. Please can I talk to you? I promise on my life I won't hurt you!" I said. She slowly opened the door and came out. "What do you want?" She asked. "Im sorry! I was an asshole. I was only thinking about myself and I didn't think about you! I miss us being friends. Will you ever forgive me?" I asked. "How do I know you'll never hurt me again?" She asked. "What do you mean?" I asked. "At the hospital you and Weston both promised not to hurt me but that's exactly what you did" she said. "Weston made me. I didn't want to. Please Andrea believe me. I'm not the guy I've been these past years!" I begged. "I forgive you" she said. I went in for a hug when she flinched. I wrapped my arms around her and she eventually loosened up. "I'll never hurt you again" i whispered as I held her in my arms. "Your back!" she smiled. "And I'll never leave you" i smiled back as we both pulled away. "Here's my number since I changed it. I gotta go but I'll see you tomorrow Mario!" Andrea smiled. "Bye beautiful!" I smiled and she went in her house. When we were best friends I used to call her that but we weren't dating. Sure I liked her but she just likes me as a brother. And I have to deal with that. I walked to my house and put Andrea's new number in my phone then went to take a shower.

Bullied by Weston Koury and Mario Selman Where stories live. Discover now