Chapter 1

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"Hurry Divina! We have to get in the water!" said Saul beside the lake they had to cross to get to the other side. "I can't" said Divina holding on to a tree out of breath they had been walking what felt like days and her being pregnant was not easy, as they were walking they spotted border patrols close by and saw that they had captured some people so they began running as fast as they could hoping not to get caught. "You have to come we can't rest here they will find us! And we didn't come all this way for nothing! said Saul. Divina didn't want to walk one more step but what Saul said was true she didn't walk this far for nothing , but before she took a step she prayed to God to help them get to other side and to give her strength. She reached the lake and Saul and her both jumped in and began swimming aa they swam they could see a car speeding through the desert "swim vamonos!" said Saul. The car stopped 20ft from them and out came a patrol officer yelling "Hey you mothefucking aliens yall get asses back over here!" "Keep swimming don't look back!" Saul told Divina. Then the officer went in the back of his truck and took out a rifle he pointed at them with the rifle and started shooting he had missed them the first couple of shots and then "Aghhhhh!!" Saul yelled he had shot him in the back "Got ya haha!" yelled the officer "Saul!" Divina yelled swimming to him. "No Divina! keep swimming don't you dare come back you hear me!? I know you can do this without me las amo! Saul yelled at Divina "No! I can't Saul I need you! cried Divina "Vete ya! Do it for our daughter! Saul said trying to stay above the water. Divina didn't want to leave but she had no other choice "SAUL TE AMO!" Divina said looking into Sauls eyes and began swimming she knew that would be the last time she would ever see him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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