Chapter Nine - First Night Home

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Dedicated to CasTheFriendlyAngel

When the doctor finally said they could take Ellie and Jo home, Cas and Dean were ready. They had the nursery all set up.

Walking into the hospital room the next day, Dean took a deep breath. This was it, finally.

Jo was dressed and ready, holding a sleeping Ellie.

"Hey guys," she said quietly. She smiled and immediately handed Ellie over to Cas, who took her willingly.

Dean watched as Cas took Ellie into his arms. The smile that graced his face made something in Dean's heart twitch. He couldn't help the smile that spread onto his own face, and he had to take another deep breath.

"You ready to go home?" Dean asked, turning to Jo. She nodded. "Yeah. I do not envy you two though. Doctors say she might have colic."

Dean looked at Cas, who was too invested in Ellie to hear Jo's words.

"Don't worry, Jo. We're here for each other."

The first rough patch came at one in the morning with a soft cry through the baby monitor two night later. Dean had just lain down from trying to get Ellie to sleep.

"Dean..." Cas groaned out, and Dean huffed.

"Cas, it's your turn to help. I just got done trying to put her down."

Cas just rolled over, tucking the blanket to his chin.

"Castiel, please," Dean said.

"I helped last night. Can't you do it tonight?"

Dean just sighed and got up again, knowing that no matter what, he still loved Cas.

Little Ellie was red in the face, crying loudly in the crib, the little duck onesie making her seem just a little bit less rude.

"Hey baby girl," he said, picking her up. She almost immediately stopped crying, looking up at him with wide eyes.

"You know, your causing daddy to lose a lot of sleep."

Ellie seemed to like hearing his voice, so he kept talking.

"You're also making dad a little cranky. He didn't even want to help with you. But that's okay. I forgive dad because I love him, and he spent most of last night with you."

Just then, Dean watched Cas walk into the room, holding his arms out. He takes Ellie out of his arms, holding her close.

"I'm sorry babe. I should have just gotten up and helped you." Cas said it softly, but Ellie was already intrigued, watching her dad talk. Reaching up, she grasped his finger, the closest thing in her reach.

"Go get some sleep, Dean. I've got this."

Dean nodded, and headed back to bed. He slept through the night with no more problems.


Cas was exhausted. Jo had actually gone home with Liam, so it was just Dean and him taking care of Ellie.

Right now, he held her gently, rocking a sleeping Ellie. In a few hours, Dean would come home, and they would leave for a doctor's appointment. Cas hated the idea of waking little Ellie up, though.

Even in her sleep, Ellie held on to Cas' finger, which adored the man to the ends of the earth.

Cas walked/rocked over to the sliding glass door and looked out over the ocean. The days were beginning to get warmer, and he couldn't wait to take Ellie out and meet the ocean.

"I can't wait to take you out there, Ellie. Play in the waves, let you chase the seagulls, make sand castles. Oh Ellie. I have big plans for you."

The shrill sound of the telephone rang through the house, and Cas sighed.

"Never a moment of rest, huh baby girl?"

He walked back inside and picked up the phone.

"Cassie!" A loud voice rang through the phone. It was Lucifer, Cas' cousin who worked at the hospital as a surgeon.

"Hey Luci. What's up?"

"You're stopping by the hospital later on right? Would you bring dear Ellie out. I wanna see my new little cousin!"

Cas laughed. "Sure thing, Luce. I'll make sure to stop by and see you."


"Castiel!" Lucifer Novak's excited voice carried out of his office. He hugged his smaller cousin, who made a face at the tight squeeze.

Ellie made a soft noise and Luci's attention was elsewhere.

"Ah, here we have my favourite little cousin." Picking Ellie up from her carrier, Luci smiled wider.

"She really is beautiful, isn't she?"

Dean awkwardly cleared his throat, and Lucifer noticed him for the first time.

"And we meet, Dean Winchester. I hear you stole my cousin's heart."

"Well, in all honesty, Cas stole mine first."

Cas rolled his eyes, but a soft blush covered his cheeks.

"I'd shake hands, but..." He motioned down to Ellie. She was, as always, enraptured completely by Luci.

"We can't stay long Luci. We've got that doctor's appointment remember?"

The young doctor sighed.

"I know. I just wish you two the best of luck. It's not going to be easy with this young thing." Placing her back in her carrier, Luci then hugged Cas and shook Dean's hand.

"I'll see you two later, then." Then he walked away, leaving the two smiling men staring at Ellie.

Later that night, Cas and Dean lay in bed. Ellie was sound asleep, thank God, and the two took the moment to cuddle.

"It was nice meeting your cousin today," Dean said quietly.

Cas turned over so that he was facing Dean. He lifted up his hand and gently laid it on Dean's cheek, brushing his thumb over his cheek bone.

"I'm glad you get to meet family members that don't hate me. Even if my parents were still alive, I would never take you to see them. They'd just hate you."

"Somebody? Hate me? Pfft that's impossible!"

Cas laughed softly. "I love you, Dean."

"And that's all that matters, Cas. I don't care if people hate that we are together. Your like the moon and I'm the ocean and you just keep drawing me in."

Cas blushed at Dean's words. "Dean, I had no idea you were a romantic."

Dean lightly slapped his arm. "Trying to be nice here. You know I hate chick flick moments."

"What about your family, Dean. Am I ever going to meet anyone?"

Dean was silent for a moment, then nodded. "Of course. You'll meet Sam soon. He's coming here in three weeks."

Cas formed an o with his mouth. Closing it, he snuggled into Dean. Just then, a cry came through the baby monitor.

"I got her babe," Dean said. "Get some sleep. I love you."

"I love you too."


Sup bitches?! I love you all so here's another chapter. I have cheer camp next week, so it might be awhile before I update.

Lots of love from your favorite lesbian!! ;)

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