Chapter Thirteen - ⚡ Storm ⚡

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Dedicated to Casassbutt6. love you

Hurricane Alex was bearing down on the eastern coast with a ferociousness that no one had seen in quite awhile. 

It had been two weeks since Dean had moved in. Dean had had some ground rules to lay out though before fully moving in.

Rule 1: this was platonic. Dean wasn't sure he was ready for a relationship with Cas.

Rule 2: he got certain days to hang out with Ellie. It was almost like they were a divorced couple.

Rule 3: he was going g to pay rent. Cas tried to reason with him, but he insisted.

That was all the rules he had, but Cas thought they were already too much. Dean could have Ellie whenever he wanted. And Cas understood that Dean wasn't ready.

In preparation for the storm, they'd sent Ellie with Jo and her soon-to-be husband farther inland so she wouldn't have to suffer through the storm. Cas had learned she had a fear of them.

That left just Cas and Dean in the lonely house full of heartbreaking memories.

Cas finished nailing up the last window and took a step back. "These better last," he muttered to himself. He jumped slightly when Dean spoke behind him.

"Do you always talk to yourself?"

Cas laughed, but there was no humor in it.

"Yes, I do actually. I enjoy talking to myself."

The wind was picking up, the clouds stormy grey, the ocean already throwing out huge waves.

"Come on, lets get inside before this storm hits us fully."

Dinner that night was loud. Well, the storm was loud, and so Cas put on some AC/DC while he made dinner. Spaghetti with garlic bread was well under way and Dean joined him in the kitchen.

"So you've got a generator right?"

Cas didn't look up from his noodles. "Uh, yeah, I do. I don't know if it works though."

Suddenly arms were wrapping around his waist, and a chin rested on his shoulder.

"Oh Cas," he sighed out. Cas rested his back against Dean.
"What are you doing, Dean?" He whispered breathlessly. He felt Dean shrug.

"It just feels good and right. I'm sorry." He went to pull away, but Cas laid his hands on Dean's.

"Please don't go."

So Dean stayed until he was getting in the way of dinner, then he sat at the island, watching Cas.

After dinner was ready, Cas joined Dean at the island. It thundered loudly, and Cas trembled. He didn't want to admit it, but he had a fear of thunderstorms as well.

"Hey, you okay?" Dean asked, concern written on his face.

Cas nodded, but yelped when another round of thunder passed.

"Hey, it's okay, shh." Dean was suddenly there to comfort Cas, who held on tight to his shirt.

When he pulled away, shame was written on his face.

"I'm sorry. I, uh, I don't do storms."

"So why didn't you go with Jo and Nate?"

"This is my home. I can't leave."

Dean rubbed small circles in Cas' back. "It's okay to be scared, Cas. I won't judge."

After dinner they went upstairs, to their separate rooms. Dean fell asleep quickly, but was awoken by a loud jolt of Thunder followed by a scream.

"Cas!" He ran into Cas' room, and his heart clenched at the sight of the grown man trembling and crying in his bed.

"Cas! Buddy, wake up!" Cas sat upwards, breathing g heavily. He collapsed into Dean's arms.

"I dreamt I lost you again. I can't lose you! I love you!"

He began to sob, heart wrenching sobs, and Dean couldn't help the one or two years that he let fall from his own eyes.

"Cas, baby, it's okay, I'm right here." And then it was like a flood wall had collapsed, because suddenly, Dean remembered everything. He remembered Cas, and their long nights together, making love and fucking, and he remembered the long nights with Ellie and everything in between. He remembered everything.

"Cas...I remember. I remember everything. Oh my god, I love you, Cas!"

Cas stopped crying and looked up at him in shock. "You really remember?!"

Dean nodded. "But most importantly, I remember that I love you."

Then he kissed Cas passionately, leaving them both breathless.

It started out slow and hot. Dean kissed Castiel gently, running his hands up and down his back. He licked the bottom of Cas' lip, asking for entrance, which he got. Cas managed to get up underneath Dean's shirt, where he toyed with his perky nipples. Their tongues battled for dominance while their hands explored each other's bodies.

"Cas, I wanna give you a blowjob."

"And I want you to give me one. Show me what your tongue can do."

Dean smirked and began to trail kissed from Cas' neck to his gorgeous dick. Smiling, Dean flicked his tongue out and licked Cas' slit.

"Oh Jesus, Dean," Cas moaned, throwing his head back and leaning against the bed. Dean smiled and then swallowed Dean whole. He kept going until Cas' cock was at the back of his throat.

Sucking hard, Dean sneaked a finger around and pushed it into Cas' hole. The affect was immediate, Cas fucking up into Dean's mouth.

"Oh baby, what are you doing to me," Cas whispered, and Dean pulled off of his cock with a pop.

"Lots of things, Cas. Like I'm going to fuck you into this mattress."

He reached over, in to the nightstand, and grabbed a bottle of lube. Spreading some onto his fingers, he slipped a second one inside.

"Gawd, Cas, your so hot. You always get this hot for me?" Cas could only nod. He added a third finger, just barely brushing against Cas' prostrate.

"Oh Dean please...fuck me please."

So Dean flipped Cas so that he was on all fours and lined himself up. Pushing in, he gasped at just how tight and hot Cas truly was.

He began to pound into Cas, making sure he was angled so that he kept hitting that sweet spot. Meanwhile, the storm still raged on, both forgetting about it.

When Cas came, it was with a shout, Dean following close behind.

Afterwards they laid side by side, breathing heavily.

"Thanks Dean," murmured Cas, who turned and rested his head on Dean's chest.

"My pleasure, my love."


The next day, Cas and Dean woke up bright and early to the sun peaking through the wooden slats covering the windows.

There wasn't a lot of damage, thank god, thought Cas. Ellie was on her way home. And dean had gotten his memory back. Everything was right in the world. For now.

Sup bitches. Another chapter in less than a week!! And with smut!

Yes, I have gone love with Casassbutt6. Seriously. I love you. Hmu girl.

Lots of love from your favorite lesbian!  😘😘😘💖💖💖💖💖

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