Chapter 1

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Hello wattpad-

Abby walks into medical and walks over to her desk ,limp. "Abby, you ok?" Jackson asks grabbing his mentor by her arm so she doesn't stumble. She breathes heavily. "Yeah,.... just a ...bit ...exhausted, .......I need to lie down." Abby breathes heavily between each word. She begins to walk out of medical and stumbles to the ground. "ABBY!" Jackson yells picking her up off the ground. She limp, he picks her up but stumbles. He can't pick her up. Trying he falls.

Kane walks in from training the new guards and sees her and Jackson on the floor," What happen Jackson!" He yells as he takes Abby out of Jackson's arms and picks her up with both arms around her cradling her in his arms. "Abby?" Kane asks patting her cheek with the tips of his fingers. Her head falls back and he pulls it up straight. "Abby, wake up!" In this image he holds her like a baby cradling her legs and her back of her neck. "Abby?" Jackson stands there surprised that Kane isn't having any trouble holding her. He holds her like she has no weight. Jackson thinks to his self. "Kane, put her on this bed." Jackson motions to a table beside him. Kane walks over holding Abby and very gently places her on it. "Whats wrong with her?" Kane asks. Jackson shruggs.

"I don't know, one minute she's fine the next she looks pale."

"Check and see if she has a temperature!" Kane says.

Jackson places his hand on her forehead and feels around her neck. "Yes! She has a high temperature!"

"What- how?"

"Maybe something she ate!" Jackson says. "You can go back to work I can handle it from here!" Jackson commanded. Kane doesn't move.

"No, I'm not leaving until I know she's fine."


"No, Jackson I'm not!" Kane says and sits in a chair next to Abby. Jackson rolls his eyes and walks to the back. Kane watches as he leaves the room and come back swiftly
Jackson places a cold rag on Abby's forehead and walks to another patient.

Kane grabs Abby hand and holds it," Abby? Wake up!" Kane whispers to her. She doesn't budge. With that he sits back in his chair and slowly falls asleep.

3 days later:

Jackson came back and forth non-stop to check on Abby and give Kane food. Kane hasn't left Abby's side in three days. Kane sits in the chair reading a book. His eyes narrow to Abby and back at the book. "Councillor Kane!" A guard yells. Kane jumps and walks over to him shushing him. "The channciller is still sick and asleep!" Kane says to his guard. The guard stands straight,"I'm sorry sir!"

"You better be!"

"Councillor Kane , bellamy needs you in farming!"

"No, you go and assist him I'm not leaving!"

"Yes sir!" The guard yells walking out.

Kane sits back down and goes back to reading.
No noises in the room other than Abby breathing. That's all he has to hold on too , her breathing. As long as she is , that means she's alive. Jackson told Kane that Abby has pneumonia. He stands and walks over to Abby and grabs her hand. Kane kneels down and lays his head on her and his hands. "Why, why did you have to get sick, why not me?" He whispers to her. Tears begin to form in his eyes because the love of his life may die and it seems as if no one cares but him, he never got to tell her how much she meant to him, he never got to say it to her, he never got to feel her lips on his, and he never got to be close to her. Other than talking. He feels her pulse is high. Her face is pale and sweating. He eyes are constantly moving under her eye lids. Her mouth, wide open and her lips, chapped. Her hands were ice cold and her skin was white. He shirt was wet with sickness sweat, and she never moved. He stands and lays beside her on the bed, he tucks the bangs behind her ear and kisses her forehead. "Your gonna be alright Abby, I know ow it." He whispers to her.

5 weeks later:

The medical is clear and Abby and Kane were the o my people left in there. No more patients, and no more workers. Other than jackson. Every five minutes he checked on her and Kane. Kane never left her side. He lays on the bed beside her . He head under his jaw and his head rest I g on hers. Every time he had to use the bathroom he went to the one on the other side of Abby bed. He hasn't left the room since Abby got sick. Jackson walks around the corner. "It's been 5 weeks, go get some fresh air!" Jackson whispers to Kane. Kane raises his head and shakes his head no, and lays back down. " After 5 weeks I think I have the antidote!" Jackson tells him. Kane gets out of the bed easily and walks over to jackson. "REALLY!" He whispers excitingly. Jackson nods yes. "Well that's great!" Kane says.

"Where is it?"

"Right here!" Jackson said holding out a small breaker.

"Well give it to her!"

"I can't."

"Why not." Kane voice deapened.

"Its to risky, it may put her in a coma!"

"She is in a coma!"

"Well I could run some tests and -"

"Yeah do that!" Kane cuts Jackson off.

"Ok, well be back in five minutes!"

Jackson walks off leaving Kane and Abby alone. Kane walks back over to the bed and lays beside her. "Please don't die! I need you..... I've always needed you!.... I can't live without you..... your why I changed Abby!" Kane whispers to Abby in a crying voice.

Five minutes later Jackson returns and sees Kane cratling Abby's waist beside him. "I uhh- I did it!" Jackson clears his throat. Jackson walks over as Kane moves. He leans Abby up and Kane holds her. Jackson goes up and puts the beaker on her lips."wait are you sure!" Kane grabs Jackson's arm. Jackson nods yes and Kane lets go. "Postitive!" Jackson says. He tilts her head back and pours it into her mouth. Her lips move. "Did- did she move!" Kane asks. Jackson nods happily.

Jackson backs up," Only time will tell now!" Jackson tells Kane while walking out.

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