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You & the girls

Lauren: oh my god y/n

Y/N: hey don't blame me, YOUR ringer was on

Camila: wait where'd you find the interview?

Y/N: some gay website

Dinah: i cracked up so bad, Lauren's face was so red!!!

Lauren: it wasn't funny it was embarrassing  :(

Y/N: I'm embarrassing now?

Lauren: you've been

Y/N: how rude :(

Normani: damn Lauren's face was like a tomato

Dinah: I said that -.-

Ally: no more like an apple

Normani: tomato

Ally: Apple

Normani: tomato

Ally: Apple

Normani: tomato

Ally: Apple

Normani: Apple

Ally: tomato

Ally: damn it

Lauren: my face wasn't even red -.-

Y/N: yes it was babe


Camila: everyone saw it

Y/N: I didn't

Camila: aha sucks to be you

Lauren: you guys are embarrassing me that's why

Dinah: sure it is ;)

Lauren: DINAH

Camila: she threw her phone in the trash again

Y/N: here we go again...

Dinah: Im so not letting you get away with this >:(

Lauren: yeah but I have a bolt lock in my room

Y/N: why tf she had a bolt lock in her room?!

Camila: so now one disturbs her vampire self

Normani: so she can do y'know what with... ;)

Y/N: Normani no

Lauren: ^

Y/N: I don't need to imagine Lauren doing you know what in her room

Lauren: ^

Y/N: although it'd be kinda hot



Y/N: I'm talking about getting tan

Camil: How do you get tanned in a room


Normani: (your ship name)

Dinah: *in a Captain Jack Sparrows voice* get ready the ship is about to sail boys!

Lauren: but first let me take a selfie

Y/N: ....no....

Y/N: just no Lauren

Lauren: :(

Lauren: *takes selfie anyways

Y/N: ewww why do I talk to her

Lauren: more like why do you like me

Y/N: who said I liked you

Camila: ME

Normani: AND MEEE

Dinah: ME TOOO

Ally: Allysus agrees ^

Lauren: and it's obvious ^

Y/N: so what if I do...?

Lauren: ...

Dinah: I can't see Lauren but I can see the red glow from her blush through the cracks on the door

Lauren: stfu Dinah

Camila: If you hear closely you'll hear her victory dance with no music


Camila: oh I was kidding but okay

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