Chapter 1

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Beach City.

A quaint, small town by the ocean. I don't really know why I'm even here. I was walking down the boardwalk, my invisibility cloaking my actions, when I "saw" a very interesting sight ( well technically my gem saw it , as I am blind). The "famed" crystal gems were walking in the opposite direction as me down the boardwalk. There was Garnet ( the forever fusion) , Pearl ( a fellow defect) , Amethyst ( the overcooked one) , and finnaly Steven Universe ( Rose Quarts' half- human son who boar her gem ). Curiosity winning the silent battle in my mind I decided to get a bit closer but that plan failed as I tripped on my own feet and landed in Steven's path , still invisible.

" Whoa! " he cried in alarm as he landed face-first on the boardwalk. His flip-flop clad feet laying splayed over my now visible back.

" Steven! " the three other gems exclaimed as Pearl ran to help the half-human boy to his feet.

" Hey, who are you? " Steven asked looking at me, while the gems fretted over him, causing them to turn their attention to me for the first time since our incounter.

" Uh-oh. Bye." I said quickly then using my super speed I sprinted at an unnatural speed down the boardwalk.

" Stop! " Garnet yelled behind me. 'How is she this fast? ' I thought as I ran. ' Oh yeah! She's a fusion idiot. Damnit! ' I glanced back at the shaded gem chasing me, she was only a couple yards behind.

Deciding to hide I ran faster and ducked into an alley. Damn my cracked gem, I could have hovered away if it wasn't cracked or I could have teleported away and I would be able to reap souls by summoning my scythe Messorem, yes, I named my weapon...don't judge ( hey, it gets a little lonley in the shadows) anyways, off topic, I'm the grim reaper if you haven't put two and two together and I'm kinda slacking on my job because of my cracked gem. Plus my healing touch would be more effective, like being able to heal a gem. Ironic really I could give life or take it.

I watched from my hiding place as the maroon gem ran past the alley entry. Sighing in relief, I relaxed with my back against one of the alley's walls. Removing my dirty white silk scarf from covering my sightless eyes, I rubbed them tiredly. By looking into my eyes you couldn't tell I was blind because my eyes are a glowing , smoky- green, but were completely sightless which is why I see with my small, cracked, teardrop shaped jet stone on my forehead.

Placing a small hand over my gem I uncovered it to see my face looking back at me in a pair of reflective glasses.

I instantly tensed as two red gauntlets picked me up by my ripped cloak and brought me face to face with the towering gem ( I'm only 5'7") leaving my feet dangling two feet off the ground. I wriggled in Garnet's grasp as she drug me out of the alleyway.

After awhile she stopped in the middle of the boardwalk ( by that time I had found escape inevitable and was still) I looked up when Pearl squawked,

" Garnet! Who is that? "

The fusion just shrugged. Lifting me to my feet , she stood me up but still had ahold of my cloak.

" If I release you will you run?" Garnet asked apprehensively.

I shook my head quickly and did a cross my heart motion over my chest.

"OK. "Garnet replied and released my hood. Pulling away I straightened my my clothes and brushed off the dirt.

Then suddenly remembering my uncovered eyes I hurriedly pulled my cloak further over my face and turned away. A bit later I felt a hand pull back my Hood and Steven's face appeared in front of mine.

" Why'ed ya do that for?" He asked. "I think your eyes are beautiful. " He complemented causing my pale gray cheeks to darken slightly.

" T-thanks...?" I said slowly, not used to complements. " Guess they aren't as beautiful through a cracked gem. " I shrugged earning four confused looks ( well I assume Garnet gave me a confused look, can't really see half her face.)

" I'm blind. " I clarified.

" ooohhh. " came Steven's reply while the other gems nodded and sent me sad looks.

" Ya know...I could heal your gem with my healing spit! " The boy exclaimed excitedly. " Oh wait where are my manners, I'm Steven Universe and these are the Cryst-... "

" Yeah, yeah I know all of that already. I'm Jet. " I said waving it off.

" Oh anyways... why don't we go to the temple and I can fix your gem." Steven said regaining his natural excitement while looking over at the gems for permission. Garnet shrugged,

" It's fine with me. " and with that he grabbed my hand and took off towards his temple home dragging my behind him, meaning we missed the three nervous looks the other gems shared before following us to the temple.

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