Chapter 2

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" So... this is the temple? Looks more like a shack on a cliff face." I commented as the half human boy dragged me up the stairs of the temple / beach house.

"Well, it's half temple." Steven shrugged.

"Whatever... Can you hurry up and fix my gem already?" I asked impatiently.

"Sure." Steven replied leading me to a couch on the left wall. "Just sit here and I'm sorry this might feel a bit weird."

Steven then licked his hand.

"Wha-!!!" I was cut off when he laid his saliva coated hand on my gem causing me to shudder in disgust.

Steven stepped back and gasped as a gray light engulfed my gem as I could feel my gem repairing itself. When the light dimmed I looked up at Steven and sat silently with tears in my still blind eyes.

"Jet? What's wrong? Aren't you happy? " Steven asked, confused.

"No Steven, I'm not... " I began, causing steven to look down disappointedly.

"Oh... " he said sadly.

"No, I'm overjoyed! " I said, launching myself from the couch, picking Steven up and excitedly spinning him around before pulling him into a tight embrace.

"Thank you Steven... "I whispered as I sat him on the ground.

"As, shucks, it was nothin'." Steven said, blushing slightly.

Garnet cleared her throat loudly from the doorway, where she and the Gems had been standing the whole time, drawing attention to them. Chuckling nervously I looked at Steven and grinned.

"Hey Steven, watch this." I said, then disappeared in a cloud of gray smoke only to reappear on the railing around the loft-turned bedroom (that I assumed was Steven's) laying sideways nonchalantly studying my nails. Steven looked around in confusion before looking up at me and smiling causing the Gems to follow his gaze.

" Wow! What else can you do?" Steven exclaimed at the same time Pearl chastised about how it wasn't very safe to do that.

Floating off the railing backwards I looked at Pearl upside down.

"See Pearly I'm just fine, I'm a big gem, I can handle being up a little high. So don't you worry your pretty little head about it, OK?" I said with a shit-eating grin causing Pearl to huff in annoyance and turn her nose to the air with a blazing blue blush covering her pale complexion. Amethyst, at this point, was laughing loudly and clutching her sides while Garnet stayed stoic as ever.

"You're awesome!  What else can you do? " Amethyst asked excitedly after her laughter had died down.

"Why don't we play a game...?" I replied ominicely,  grabbing the older gems attention.

"What kind of game? " Garnet asked,  suspicion evident in her voice.

"Ya see Shades, I'm no stranger to Earth nor Home world. I will give you three clues to guess my identity in this world. " I explained,  holding up 3 fingers to clarify, "Guess correctly,  and you may ask me anything you please. Guess wrong,  and... well,  let's just say,  you'll owe me a favor. Shall we play? " I continued looking up at them ( still with my gem) through my dark gray and black bangs with a forbidding smirk.

"I wanna play! " Steven shouted, with Amethyst nodding enthusiastically. Garnet thought for a moment then shrugged,

"Sure." Causing Pearl to look up at her in surprise.

"Fine..." Pearl sighed begrudgingly and joined the other on the slightly cramped couch.

I sat criss cross on the floor in front of them. " Oh,  how I do love playing games... "

To be continued...

A/N: Okay,  so second chapter finally up, sorry for the wait...and the cliff hanger. I've had terrible writers block and life has been very busy as of late.

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