Non-Stop Life

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"Welcome to Lola's. May I take your order?" Yes, the sentence that I say more than a thousand times EVERY DAY!

"Yes, uhmm... Can I get a tall latte and a muffin?" the middle aged woman said.


"Sure! That will be 10.35£" The woman gave me the money and I got her order ready.

I handed her the tray, she thanked me and walked away.

A few more hours later it was closing time. I got my bags and started walking to the little apartment me and my friend were staying at. To be honest I prefer sleeping at the coffee shop rather than going home and seeing my friend miserably crying over her ex- boyfriend. Ok I get it, break ups aren't easy. But their relationship ended 3 years ago and she dated over 20 guys after him. She's currently with a fine gentleman who treats her as if she's a princess but no she's not satisfied.

I opened the door and the first thing I see is glasses and plates shattered all around the floor. I heard my friend complaining her life to her boyfriend. And she was literally shouting her guts out.


"I f**king hate this place! I hate my life!! What is this sh*t that I've been going through for more than 3 years! And you; You aren't helping at all! You know what Chris, I don't love you. I never did. I love Dan. I always have and always will!"


"That's enough!" as Chris shouted at Mari he slapped her and she fell on the sofa. I ran inside the room trying to separate them.


"I gave you everything I have. You wanted the stupidest things from me and I got you them. Just because I wanted you to love me as much s I love you. You think that I didn't know about Dan? Well did. And I still tried everything I can for you to forget about him and be happy with me. But enough is enough! I cant take it anymore. Good luck with your life Mari. You'll need it..." he ran away and closed the door in a rough way.

I turned over to look at Mari. I lifted her from the sofa and got her up. As soon as she got up she went to the balcony. She wanted to kill herself but I held her tightly.


"Mari you cant do this! Are you out of your mind?! Do you really think that dying is a way of getting out of this mess? Well it isn't. So get your sh*t together!"


"Whaa... Why are you mad at me? You're suppose to be on my side here! Hello cant you see that he slapped me? I just hate my life. Why cant I f**king die right now!"


"You deserved that slap Mari! He put his wants and needs to a side just to make you happy. He tried to forget the fact that his girlfriend is inlove with a man who she might never see again.."

Mari interrupted my sentence


"Don't you ever say that to me ever again!!! I will see Dan! I just know it. And I know he still loves me. Yeah, he loves me." Her voice got lower and lower. She suddenly started to talk like 5 year old. Sweet and innocent.

"We're going to see each other again soon. I just know .it. I feel his love. He's going to take me to that amusement park where we first met and we're going to fall in love again. I just know it.."

As her tears were falling down her bronze cheeks she became weaker and weaker thinking about Dan's return that will never happen... I hugged her and took her to her room. I got her to her bed and she closed her eyes.

I went to my own room and got in bed. An outsider would think that im a cruel person for saying Dan will never come back to her but its true. Dan got married a year ago. I saw their wedding photos on Facebook. They seemed so happy together. Hate to say this but Dan seemed happier than he was with Mari. Mari had plans to crash their wedding. She was right about to stop the wedding when she and Dan got eye to eye. Dan gave her a look that clearly said "Please Mari! Im begging! Dont do this. This is a really happy moment for me please don't. If you loved me just a bit don't spoil this for me". Mari started to gently cry. No one can see her crying except for the ones who are besides her and I was the only one who saw her crying. She looked at Dan and his wife kissing and ran away. That day she didn't feel anything. But the day after that she started to question everything around her. She thought that nothing would be the same without Dan and she still thinks the same way. After a year of loneliness, she started to date a guy named Rob. I thought she finally got back together but it just made things worst. Mari wanted to have something mental with him. She wanted her heart to speak for her. But Rob wanted her body to speak not her heart. They wounded up having sex and the only thing Rob wanted from Mari was more physical attraction. And Mari gave it to him. I told her no. But she didn't listen. After 2 months Rob cheated on her with another girl and I had a big fight with Rob for breaking Mari's heart. After that relationship Mari started to forget about mental things and feelings. She started to look for things more physical which was completely wrong. I tried to stop her but she didn't. And after all that happened she is now the Mari you see today. I just wish I had the old Mari back... But you cant get back memories.. Anyways it was a rough night. I must go to sleep. School and bakery waits for tomorrow...

Authors note: This is the first chapter of my new story. I hope you like it ^_^It will get better in time I promise c:

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