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“Yes ma’am.”

The manager:

“I heard what you said to Mr. Harding. Go apologies to him!”


“Why should I? I stand by what I said there. I hate his attitude.”

My manager leaned in closer. She started to whisper.

The manager:

“Perhaps you don’t know who he is? He may look like just a costumer but he owns this place. His father made this building and passed away 2 years ago. So he’s taking care of business. Now Fiona, if you don’t want to be fired, go apologies to him.”

 After that explanation i knew I had to do it.

I went to David’s table. He was smiling a little bit.

As if he was trying to say “Even though what you say, I have the money and the power so you’ll lose.” Before I said anything to him, my manager whispered something to him and walked away.


“Well well well… Look who’s back!”


“I would like to say… I’m sorry. I didn’t know what I was saying. The anger that I had for more than 2 years just burst out and I didn’t mean to say all those things to you.”


“Apology accepted. Why don’t you take a seat?”

What… I had a fight with that man 5 minutes ago and now he wants to sit with me. I didn’t want to be rude or anything so I sat down in front of him.

“So what seems to be bugging you?” he continued.


“Its personal. I’d rather not say.”


“Look Fiona I’m not a bad guy. You called me a jerk 5 minutes ago but im not that type of a person. Also I’m a psychologist. So you call tell me anything.”


“Its too complicated. And sorry but I don’t trust people who I just met.”

David didn’t insist on me telling him about myself. So he got his check and left.

I checked my watch and it was 9pm almost closing time. I got dressed, took my belongings and headed off to the door when someone came inside. It was David.


“Hi Fiona!”


"Its closing time sorry we aren’t serving anything.”


“I didn’t come here to get coffee or anything. Look I thought about it and maybe I have said some things that aren’t that acceptable. Maybe some girls can be disturbed by these words. But I would like to make it up to you. I want to show you that im not a player or anything.”


“I’m sorry but we just met. Why do you care so much about the impression you left on me? The situation is over. I’ve moved on. Why don’t you forget about it too?”

We got outside and without noticing we where walking around.


“Because well… I don’t know alright. I just feel like the impression I left on you isn’t good. And I want you to know me as a nice person. I just feel like it ok? Lets just stop questioning everything and make a fresh start. If that’s ok with you?”


“Well ok…”

We started to walk around town. We didn’t go too far because you know New York once you get lost its hard finding your way out. We talked about a lot of things. I didn’t give him all the details about my love life or how Mari effected my decisions. I just told him a little summery about my life. And he told me about his. He said way less than I did. So I felt like I talked too much. Though all I know is he seems like a nice guy after all. He told me he’s 27. (he’s 10 years older than me. Wow! He looks way younger). We talked about his business and everything. But he didn’t mention about his love life. I guess he didn’t want to tell me everything.

So we walked back to the Café. We hugged each other and got in our own cars and drove away. To be honest it was the best time I’ve ever spent in 6 months.

I drove back home and saw that Mari wasn’t home yet. So I got into my pj’s and went to bed. I realized I was really tired. So I went to sleep as soon as I closed my eyes.

David’s POV


I got into my car and watched Fiona drive away. I took I deep breath and relaxed. For the first time I thought about every sentence, no every word I said. I didn’t even think about what I said in my job application. I just spoke what’s on my mind. But with her, I felt the need to explain her everything about myself, without any misunderstandings. I started the car and drew away to my house. I couldn’t help but notice that I was smiling. A woman who I just met made me smile. She’s not even a woman she’s 17. She’s working at this stupid Café because she has to earn money to buy books and stuff. Even though her parents are helping her out she’s still trying so hard to stand on her own feet. Wow she’s brilliant! I arrived home and got on my iMac. I began working. But all I can think about how beautiful her smile is…  

Authors note: Heey lovelies ^_^ I hope everyone is doing fine. So this is my new chapter hope you guys like it. In time there will be more adventure I promise. Thanks for the nice comments. They mean a lot!!! Hope to update soon and stay safe xx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2013 ⏰

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