Rin and Yukio's arrival

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Lucy's p.o.v

After i read the letter i am so confused like what the hell? why in my 20th birthday?!

then suddenly the guild doors suddenly opened, and the guild stopped what they are doing.

there stood 2 males one has a sword in his back and pointy teeth has a school uniform and long ears

and the other one wears megane (megane means glasses kk? now on to the story) wears a school uniform and had a gun in his hand

"excuse me um is lucy heartfilia in this guild?" said the one with the sword

"what? why do you want that weakling?! and who are you guys?!" natsu replied

"oh pardon us i am rin okumura and this is my lil brother yukio and don't insult her!" said the one with the sword

natsu just shut up and pissed of

no impossible how did they find me here?! oh god no

i raised my hand and they turned to me and smiled

" looks like we've found you nee-san!" they bothed screamed while running and they hugged me

the guild was shocked because i didn't told them i have 2 little brothers my true friends greeted them and they instantly became friends

"hey nee-san here your 2 katanas and 2 guns wow that whip should be your first weapon not bad" said yukio while tossing my 2nd and 3rd weapon to me it's wrapped like rin's sword

then master came down with erza master is serious and i think mad yeah i wonder why?

"so rin and yukio right? you came to claim your sister here? but did you have an evidence that my child is your sister? and would you take away lucy from my guild? if yes where would you take lucy?" master said with anger in his voice

"yes she is our big sister and to have an evidence there should be a letter for lucy sent by mephisto pheles our school principal and we will take her to our school named true cross academy and the cram school of true cross academy" yukio said with pride and happiness

"very well lucy my child do you have the letter?"

"yes master here it is" i said while handling the letter master grab it and read it after he read the letter he returned it to me

"very well lucy my child perhaps do you want to leave the guild or not?"

"master i-i i will leave the guild and i will come back with my brothers someday and take revenge for what fairy tail did to me except for my real friends"

my 2 brothers look at each other questionably and they turned into my guild mates and gave them some death glares

"very well my child come here i'll remove your mark but plz come back ok? i will miss you'

"ok master i will and i will bring my brothers too" i walked to master and he said some word like

"Ek meester van sprookje naam Makarov wens dat hierdie merk van linkerhand Lucy se nie permanente sal verdwyn omdat sy rug eendag sal wees "

and the mark magically disappear and my true friends started to cry i bid them good bye before saying

"remember this day fairy tail i will take revenge on you with my brothers" and with that i left fairy tail and walked into apart ment with my 2 lil brothers and packed our things and walked into the train station so we could go in tokyo

rin's p.o.v

woah i wonder what happened to nee-san? i 'll ask her about it

"hey nee-san why are you so mad in your guild mates?"

"rin lil brother i will tell you when we go into your house or should i say our house or whatever" she said

"ok nee-san"

yukio's p.o.v

looks like nee-san has a grudge in fairy tail well she will train in this case and become stronger so she beat those fairy tail craps oh my such rage i think i might be able to train her using guns and some things like smoke bombs this is gonna be interesting

i smirked and go to sleep the last words i heared is rin asked nee-chan somethin

3rd person p.o.v

rin , yukio and lucy arrived at tokyo later on. and rin waked yukio up .

"hey yukio where is our house or apartment or dorm?"

"oh here come this is the old boys dorm this is where we will live"

"oh ok can you help me rin yukio unpack my stuffs?'

"hai nee-chan!" rin and yukio said with big and wide smile

~~~~~~ LE TAIMU SKIPPU ~~~~~~

LUCY'S p.o.v

"hey rin and yukio thanks" i said and hugged them

they were surprised by this and hugged back anyways

"come neesan we will bring you to mephisto"

"kk i will ask him something"

3rd person p.o.v

rin , yukio and lucy is walking to the principals office so lucy can meet mephisto pheles before lucy can say anything there is a door infront of here and she immediately opened it and there sits mephisto pheles

"ahhh lucy glad to see you i'am mephisto nice too meet you what brings you here?"

"um ok pleasure to meet you too i came here to ask you a bunch of questions"

"ok dear what is it?"

"ok is it true i am the daughter of satan? , is it true i can control the elements? , and why am i look so different than them? , is my real name lucy heartfilia? and what happen if i unsheath this 2 katanas and guns?

" oh a bunch of questions i see so okay here it goes' he cleared his throat


"ok yes you are really the daughter of satan and i have an evidence because you have 2 katanas and a gun and yes you can and layla heartfilia put on a magic for you and will be undo when you tun 20 and should be undo by 1 minutes exactly after i finish this and no your real name is rinakio okumura and if you unsheath that 2 katanas will be the same as rin and thats it"

after he talks there was a puffed of smoke and she changed into a female version of rin

"woah this is amazing bur sir pheles?"

"oh not mr. pheles but mephisto only"

"ok can i attend the cram school thingy and train my powers to become stronger?"

"ok rinakio"

"oh and when does my training start mephisto?"

mephisto smirked and said "tomorrow rinakio"

"oh and mephisto don't call me rinakio just call me rina k?"

he nods and smile lucy turned to her brothers and they smirked she tackled them to a hug and she feel something moving it's not rin's tail but hers she stared at it and touched it , it super ticklist

and with that they walked back to their dorms and sleep for the day


hi minna plz comment vote i thank you for reading this and sorry if some is wrong spelled because i'am a filipino and i think i can continue it and next i will be writing rinakio or lucy's new info

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