rinakio okumura's info

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name: rinakio okumura

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name: rinakio okumura

age: 20

parents and siblings

yuki okumura mother (deceased)

satan (alive)

rin okumura (alive)

yukio okumura (alive)

powers: can control weather , can control all elements , can read minds , magic (celestial mage)

apearance: has the school uniform of boys but girl version just like in the top has 2 katanas and guns has a whip has a tail has a sharp teeth and pointy ear and she can sometimes wears megane (glasses) and contact (clear contact that is)

guild: fairy tail

fav colors :light blue , sky blue , black , pitch black , white , pure white , blood red , gray , purple and silver

personality: cheerful , funny , kind , loud , gentle , heroic , have manners and outgoing

goal: get revenge on fairy tail


hi minna this is the info of the new lucy and thanks for reading i hope you enjoy it thanks

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