Wisteria's Remorse

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Lately it seems like the rock is my only frequent destination. I sit here looking into the human world as if I belonged. But I didn't. I glance over and in the corner of my eye I see my disgusting lustrous tail, I close my eyes and pretend I'm your average teenage girl. But that's not true either. I'm not your stereotypical beautiful mermaid, its much more complex than that.

Ever since I was little I've had this power that I've had to learn to control, but it seems almost impossible. In fact it is. Have you ever heard of the Sirens from the story of the Odyssey? Well let me try and explain in the simplest form; evil mermaids luring sailors into their deaths with song. This is my power. You see, the world only speaks the truth, but for thousands and thousands of years its been lying to itself. For all this time humans haven't been bothered to prove the world wrong, which is why our kind haven't been discovered along with all the other 'Myths and Legends'.

My family think this power is an advantage, to hunt prey and an easy way to defeat the enemy. Really, its a loathsome curse that must be broken. Were I live there are two types of merkind, the acqua assassino's (my kind) and the acqua risparmiatori, they are the 'good ones' the ones I wish I was, they get taught to love, care and it seems like they're never lonely. Where I live we don't believe in love, our motto is 'keep fighting and keep you eyes on the enemy." The war going on right now is the biggest one ever. The aim of the game is to see how many humans we can drown. And their aim is to see how many humans they can save and convert. This is really pointless but it still goes on.

I've always wondered how it would feel to be loved. It makes me think what the world family really means to our community and my parents. I think it means nothing. But if i was shown this theory would change. My everyday lifestyle is to watch people on the beach, it fascinates me. Night time has fallen once more and there is not a figure in sight apart from my lonley self. No suprise here. Sometimes I wish, but wishes are just lies, but what are lies? If only I knew.

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