Cut My Ties

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Soulmates. That person was the one for you. You can't trade and you can't have two. Those were the rules. Of course, with every rule came an exception. These exceptions were also known as Weavers, people who had the ability to see the red strings of fate and cut them however they pleased. You can always know who is a Weaver by their eye colours. Normal people had only black, brown, hazel, green, blue- the regular eye colours. Weavers had red, grey, and purple, but they could alternatively wear contacts in its place. Weavers were either highly praised, or looked down upon. There was no in between and no stopping what fate had in mind.

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Edd Williams- liked the colour green, fairly smart in school, and loved his friends dearly. He was the only one out of his entire friend group of four that was a Weaver. Of course, he chose to don the contacts because he doesn't want to feel different from the other three. He enjoyed watching the strings move around, but he also loved seeing two of his friends fight daily, even though they were tied together. He sat there with a stupid grin on his face as they had another pointless argument.


"Jehovah's Witness!"

Ah, young love. He couldn't help but wonder why the two soulmates hated each other so much. Fate wouldn't do that, right? It definitely wasn't unheard of to hate your soulmate and slowly build up the bond.

Maybe he just had to give him a little push.

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"So... Tell me why you need my help and why you want to lock Tom and Tord in a room together again? I mean, they would tear each other apart! To shreds!" Matt, Edd's own soulmate, said. The brunet, edging to black, sighed and explained it again.

"I told you, Matt, Tord and Tom are soulmates, but right now they hate each other so I need you help to bring Tord to point A as the same time as I bring Tom so they can talk it out. It would be much harder to do it without you so pleeeeease?" Edd pleaded, giving a side smile to the ginger.

"No," a new voice quipped. Edd jumped and turned around to see Tom emerging from the shadows. "I've known you were a Weaver for a long time, Edd, and I decided not to bring it up because we all have our reasons, but I refuse to believe that Tord-hecking-Rød is my soulmate. That isn't fate, it's bullshit." Though he knew the taller didn't mean harm, the statement still really hurt Edd- as he was kind of a fates enthusiast.

"Oh, come on, Tom, at least- At least give it a try," the green themed teen whined. "Tord isn't that bad of a person and you know it. He's only acting like he hates you because you're always insulting him."

"Well, Edd, if you were actually my friend, I suggest you drop the topic and never tell Tord about this exchange," Tom commanded with a glare as he made his way to the fridge. "Tord is nothing but a hateful commie who probably doesn't have any feelings whatsoever so drop it if you know what's best." The Weaver was going to comment, but Tom cut him off and added, "In fact- just cut my string with Tord. I'd rather die than be soulmates with that Norski." Edd gave a disappointed sigh and continued to try to talk about it.

No one knew that Tord was standing outside the room and heard it all.

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It wasn't a secret that Tord was slowly getting distance from the group. He had stopped going out of his room unless it was vital and spent more and more time with the new kid, Patryk, who in return made Tord spend time with Paul. They ended up becoming a trio that ruled the school and part of the lunchroom. Edd was feeling upset about Tord being distant and Matt was just focusing of taking care of Edd. Tom figured that he had enough of it and slammed both hands down as he stormed out of the room to look for the familiar red clad male.

The man in question was sitting outside, under a tree. Paul and Patryk weren't really nature people so they decided to give him some time alone. Tord was about to go to sleep for the rest of the lunch period when he felt a shadow looming over him, narrowly dodging the fist coming at him.

"What the hell is your problem?!... Tom," Tord ended, growling. Tom took back his fist and instead crossed his arms instead.

"No, what's your problem? You barely leave your room and you never hang out with Edd or Matt anymore. You've decided to throw us away out of the fucking blue and now you're just sitting here as Edd is afraid you hate him and Matt is stressed because Edd is upset!" The brunet exclaimed, narrowing his void eyes.

"Jeg elsker deg"

It wasn't supposed to be like this. Tord definitely wasn't supposed to feel emotions towards Tom when he did it. He saw their strings unattached to everything and decided it was the best way to spite Tom. He didn't mean to fall in love witb the way the latter's hair spiked up, or the way his eyes turned a ghost white for a spilt second when he was startled, or the way his own name sounded while Tom was yelling it.

"I'm sorry, what?"

Tord was really good at hiding that he was a Weaver. He never gushed about couples, suddenly jerked to a stop when a new tie was created or any stereotypical thing. He didn't even believe in fate, as that was why he changed his string to intertwine with Tom.

Sure, he acted like he hated him and Tom probably actually hated him, but he was soulmate-less and Tom's original soul mate was dead

"I hate you."
I love you.

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