Chapter 2

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I watched the man walk up to the house across from ours and wait there. The people who lived there opened the door a crack then slammed it on his face. Probably just begging for money like a usual beggar. Then would go spend it on cigarettes that are too expensive for them to buy. He walked across the street and turned to go out the exit of the so called gated community, how could he get in? I wondered if he didn't live here how did he get in?

He left, but I felt weird. It's like he meant something to me. He was my experiment. What would he do next? Then he turned around and a dog jumped out of the grocery cart and came running to my lawn. It was a black labradoodle a beautiful dog but he looked to be starved and have rabies as there was froth at the side of his cheeks. I went and found dog food from my old dog and left it on the porch. The dog came running up as soon as I put it down. The man not long after. He rang the doorbell and I answered, I opened the door a crack and asked "what do you need." The man had a gravely voice that was hard to understand. "Do you have any food to spare for me as well?" "Just wait here I'll go and check the fridge." "Okay." He responded. I ran to the fridge and found some of the casserole that mom had made for dinner the night before. I ran back to the door and the man was patiently waiting. "This is some of my moms casserole from last night, I know it's not much but it's the best I could do, just make sure to bring back the container tomorro-" I was cut off by my mom. "Who's at the door honey?" She yelled from upstairs. "Just my friend." I yelled back at her "you better go" I whispered to the man "bring back the container okay." "Thank you." He said and was off like a shot. What a strange man I thought. I wonder why he was in this part of town anyways.

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