Chapter 3

11 1 2

The man returned the next day with the container. "Here you go." He said to me as he gave me the container. "Do you need anything else?" I asked "I need you to find my family." "Well that's a lot." "Yes I know but my family lives up in these parts and being reunited with them would mean everything to me. The names John, John Cook by the way." It felt like a bomb had dropped on me, everything made sense now though. "I might need to get to know you a little better before then, just meet me on the roof at 11 o'clock tonight." I slammed the door in his face. I was starting to think he was a pervert and a kidnapper. He knocked on the door again. I tried acting like I didn't know him. "Hello random person I haven't met before what are you doing at my doorstep." I asked. "It's John, remember." "Nope." And I slammed the door in his face again. He knocked "this must be one of the jokes friends pull on each other because it's funny." Friend he thought we were friends, that was creepy and weird "friends?! I don't even know you!" And I slammed the door again. I wondered if he would come to the roof after that.

My room 11 o'clock

To be truthful. I was an extremely curious boy, I tried to be helpful whenever I could but this man was just scary. I had a roof window that I usually used to climb out of. I didn't know if he was there or not so I climbed up the ladder that led to the window and climbed out. Unfortunately he was out there. Waiting for me on the roof like he said he would.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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