simple boy

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NUMBER TWO - the same boy, as usual.

I can't believe it. I'm tearing her apart for a simple boy like you. a simple boy that has caused not so simple thoughts in my spinning mind. you won't get out. maybe because, deep down, I don't want you to. but I do. in simpler terms, I hate that you're overtaking my mind, but I also don't want you to leave. I hate that simple things cause the biggest reactions. the biggest explosions. simple catalyst equals major issues. but why ? simple boys and depressed girls don't work together, but I'm so hoping it will. simple boys that listen to simple music and live a simple life don't like depressed girls who listen to depressing music and have a depressing life. what a catastrophe. but I like simple. I wish I was simple. I want to have an easy life. I want to have a chance with you. but simple boys and depressed girls don't work. ever.

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