One: Pokémon Centre

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"Tor! Tor!"

Torchic sprang out of my arms and rushed forward, flapping her wings. She then tucked them to her sides and started to poke at something on the ground.

"What's wrong, Torchic?" I asked, walking forward to crouch beside her. She turned her head towards me and tapped something on the ground with the tip of her claw. I reached out and picked it up; it was a small cuboid-shaped device, pink in colour with black lines in different places.

"A Pokédex," I whispered. I had lost my own a few days ago. Flipping it open, I watched in awe as a hologram of a girl in black and white came from a glowing screen.

"Ready to be registered to a new trainer," The poke-girl chirped. This is one of the newest models of the Pokédex... "People" with their own personalities are etched into the coding. How I knew this, I had no idea, but I was going to use it to my advantage - especially since for some reason I knew how to work it.

"Lyra, um, Starling. Thirteen. Ready to use Pokédex." I said. The girl blinked. Her image disappeared, then crackled into existence again. This time, she was in colour; she had brown hair and stormy grey eyes, and was wearing a red and white striped crop top with a pokéball in the centre as well as a red jacket, blue jeans and sneakers which matched her top.

"Hello Lyra. I am Zera, and I will be here to tell you all you need to know about the world of pokémon." Zera grinned, her grey eyes looking up at me.

"Tor! Tor!" Torchic called, pecking lightly at my leg.

I scooped her up. "Woops, sorry for forgetting you!" I said sheepishly.

"Torchic, a fire pokémon. Torchic sticks with its Trainer, following behind with unsteady steps. This Pokémon breathes fire of over 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit, including fireballs that leave the foe scorched black." Zera said, her voice monotonous. Torchic chirped, leaning towards her.

"Thanks Zera, bye-bye now!" I said, snapping the Pokédex shut and tucking it into my pocket before Torchic could try to peck it. I set the chirping pokémon down and pulled my rucksack further up my shoulders, before looking down at her. "Come on, Torchic... I think it's about time we go see some other people."


The closest town turned out to be a place called Goldleaf Town. After a short (and slightly awkward) conversation with a lady called Nurse Joy at the front desk of the Pokémon Centre, I was heading upstairs behind said person. She led me into a hallway filled with doors.

"This is where all of the trainers who are traveling and decide to check in here for a night or two stay," Nurse Joy explained. "Down that hallway is the dining room, where our cook, Miss Carle, provides our guests with meals and snacks - here in Goldleaf Town we pride ourselves for our great overnight services. You will be staying in this room."

"Arigato, Nurse Joy," I smiled, opening the door of the room she had gestured to.

"No problem my dear. Feel free to come to me at anytime, whether it be that your lovely Torchic is unwell or that one of our other guests are disturbing you - I will warn you, though, we have had a few rather noisy guests staying here recently."

"Okay, I'll try to remember. Thank you again," I called, stepping into the room to join Torchic who had already made herself at home. Closing the door behind me, I wandered over to the bed that was set in the corner and flopped down on it, yawning. I glanced at the window to see that a veil of darkness was creeping across the sky and yawned again.

I kicked off my boots and climbed beneath the covers, not caring that I was still in the ragged clothing I had been wearing for the past few weeks. Sure, I had other clothes in my rucksack-which was currently dumped on the floor next to the door-, but I hadn't had a chance to change during my time in the forests littered across the Yonah Region.

The last thought that drifted through my mind before sleep claimed me, was how comfy the bed was.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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