bucky barnes

68 7 9

goner - twenty øne piløts

I'm a goner

There is no hope for his mind.

Somebody catch my breath
I'm a goner
Somebody catch my breath

He needs help becoming Bucky again, hence the "somebody catch my breath"

I wanna be known by you
I wanna be known by you

Either something to do with Steve or maybe a reference (comic spoiler) to when Nat got brainwashed and didn't remember him.

I'm a goner
Somebody catch my breath
I'm a goner
Somebody catch my breath
I wanna be known by you
I wanna be known by you

Though I'm weak
Beaten down

He isn't the solider he once was. He is now a brainwashed vessel.

I'll slip away
Into the sound

The fading sounds of those ten words. The words that make Bucky slip away, slowly, just to be replaced by the Winter Solider.

The ghost of you
Is close to me

Pre- serum Steve (the ghost of him) was Bucky's best friend.

I'm inside out
You're underneath

I don't really know what this means, I have a few unclear ideas though. Comment suggestions!

I've got two faces

Bucky and Winter Solider.

Blurry's the one I'm not

Blurry, as in Winter Soilder.

I've got two faces
Blurry's the one I'm not

I need your help to
Take him out

He needs Steve, the only real connection to who he was before. (I'm not counting Nat)

I need your help to
Take him out

Though I'm weak
And beaten down
I'll slip away
Into the sound
The ghost of you
Is close to me
I'm inside out
You're underneath

Though I'm weak
And beaten down
I'll slip away
Into the sound
The ghost of you
Is close to you
I'm inside out
You're underneath

Don't let me be gone
Don't let me be gone
Don't let me be gone
Don't let me be gone

He doesn't want every trace of Bucky to be wiped. He doesn't want to only be the Winter Soilder.

Don't let me be!
Don't let me be!

Don't let him become the Winter Soilder.


I'm a goner
Somebody catch my breath
I'm a goner
Somebody catch my breath
I wanna be known by you
I wanna be known by you

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