The Trip to Hogwarts

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I push my unbrushed short blonde hair to the side of my face and rush past all the people at the train station with my luggage to get to the platform. My dad had said to run straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. I feel uneasy as I run through the brick wall my owl screeching.

My name is Evangeline Willows, I am really short for an eleven year old with unruly blonde hair and I have grey eyes, at least that's my natural look as I am a metamorphagus I can completely change my looks I am 25% werewolf and only get grumpy around full moons my granddad was bitten by a werewolf and my dad was only half werewolf. I am also an animagus unregistered I got a hold of my dads potion book when I was younger and I wanted to try and make it so I did and it worked. You may be wondering why I talk about my dad a lot well you see my mum was only 18 when she had me and she died from cancer so I grew up being raised by my dad. Any ways I am a prankster but I can get very violent if someone hurts my friends or family. But since it's just me and dad and I never went to school that didn't happen very often. But this year I finally get to go to Hogwarts School of witchcraft and Wizardry. My birthday is on the 1st of September but I got my letter the day before my birthday. As my dad is very busy with ministry of magic official work I had to catch a cab or taxi here see I don't exactly know what they call it over in here in England. Anyways I am rambling on.

I ran through the brick wall between the platforms 9 and 10. I look up at the glowing scarlet red train and smile I grab my baggage and walk on to the train trying to find a compartment. I found one and sat down on wooden cushioned seat on the right side after putting my baggage above me and grabbing a book out of my pineapple covered bag. I was half way through my favourite book treasure island by Robert Louis Stevenson a muggle writer. I could feel my hair and eyes flicking from gold with black hair to my natural look. I stop reading long enough to hear laughter from two boys standing in front of my compartment. One had long black hair with sparkling grey eyes and the other boy had short brown hair and blue eyes covered by a square pair of glasses. They sat down as if not seeing me and kept talking about someone named Evans and Snivellious. I just went to my book only looking up when a boy with light brown hair and chocolate brown eyes and scratches down his face asking to sit in the compartment the boys merely replied yeah sure and then they introduced themselves.
"I'm Sirius Black" said the boy with long black hair.
"And I'm James Potter" said the boy with glasses.
"I'm Remus Lupin" said the boy with scars running down his face.
They all turned and looked at me I could feel their eyes on me so I looked up my eyes flickering from gold to grey.
"I'm Evangeline Willows" trying my hardest to sound as non Australian as possible but probably failed.
A matter of seconds later a short plump boy walked in and asked if he could sit in the copartment. I was to busy reading but I heard him say "I'm Peter Pettigrew" I then heard someone say "I'm Remus Lupin, that there is Sirius Black, he is James Potter and she is Evangeline Willows." I was to busy studying page 97, the page was illustrated and had John Silver throwing an uncouth missile through the air hurtling at Tom just like he could of done to Alan. I snickered as I saw that John Silver was grabbing for a tree branch and how he stood on one foot. I heard a voice come into perspective and lifted my head as James and Sirius laughed. I must of looked confused as Remus told me they had been trying to get my attention for hours. I snorted at that because they were trying to get my attention. They boys were now clutching their stomachs from my snort and I shot Sirius a glare that must of freaked him out because shortly after he stopped his barking like laugh and just smiled at me.
"So what houses do you guys want to be in" Remus said clearly trying to defuse the tension.
"Gryffindor where the brave dwell at heart" said James before shortly adding "Same as my father"
"We'll all my family has been in Slytherin" James face fell when Sirius had said that
"And I was thinking you were alright"
"But I was thinking of breaking the tradition"
"What is Gryffindor and Slytherin" I asked my Australian accent seeping through my words.
"There the houses at Hogwarts wait so your telling me you've never heard of Gryffindor or Slytherin"
I shook my head vigorously
"Then where are you from" James asked questionably curious
"I used to live in Australia but we had to move here when dad got a job for the ministry here"
"So is it just Gryffindor and Slytherin at Hogwarts?" They laughed Sirius' barking laugh overpowering the other boys
"Might as well be but no there is Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each one has different qualities, Gryffindor for the brave, Hufflepuff for the loyal and kind, Ravenclaw for smart people and Slytherin for sly and cunning people."
I quickly changed the subject by saying "Are we allowed to prank at Hogwarts"
"I hope so" blurted out James
The rest of the train ride consisted of sleeping, reading and planning pranks.
When the train stopped a giant was yelling for first years so I dragged the boys out of the compartment and we went towards the giant who then said no more than five to a boat so Peter, James, Sirius, Remus and I climbed into the boat and Peter, Remus and I were laughing as Sirius and James were wrestling each other and trying to push each other in. It ended when James went in the water and we all laughed as we helped him back onto the boat smiling and staring at the big castle that had just came into view. It had huge towers and millions of Windows and a bell tower. I smiled in awe putting a blue stripe in my hair then taking it out before the guys noticed it. We stopped at these big doors that where probably no wait scratch that definitely twice the size of Hagrid (the giant) a lady stepped out in an Emerald green cloak and a pointy looking hat. Her eyes were very fierce and her hair was grey. She began talking about Hogwarts and the houses and walked off after telling us to stay where we are and to keep quiet. Instantaneously everyone started talking but I was to busy thinking of the way John Silvers crutch hit Tom in the back and how he stabbed him in cold blood I snapped out of my trance when Sirius shook me and started pushing me inside I darted to the side quickly and he fell to the ground. Remus, Peter, James and I laughed as Sirius grumpily pulled himself of of the floor.

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