Sorting Ceremony

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When we were inside the great hall I smiled as I looked up to see candles in the sky they were shimmering. I forgot to look down at where I was going and of course I trip, I trip and fall face first. I groan inwardly and get up by brushing myself off. I smile and keep walking onwards. Once we got to the stopping area a hat began to talk well actually sing.

Oh I can tell a tale,
Of two wizard males,
With two witches,
One was cunning,
Also sly,
One was kind,
She always spoke her mind,
One was witty,
With knowledge unknown,
One was brave,
With a sword of stone,
Then one day they stitched me up,
And turned me into the sorting cap,
But don't be fooled by what you see,
For I can tell your mind's a pea.
So try me on to tell,
Gryffindor braveness
Ravenclaw smarts
Hufflepuff loyalty
And Slytherin cunningness.
Put me on and I will tell
which one of these you belong to.

"I'll call your name, walk up and I'll place the hat on your head" said Proffessor McGonagall "Black, Sirius" the hat hesitated and hesitated then yelled GRYFFINDOR. it kept going and going Remus, James and Peter all got into

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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