Chapter 12

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How could that happen. I was so happy just an hour ago, thinking my perfect girlfriend was coming home with my best mate just to see me. I angrily got up, looking for something to vent on. I grabbed a glass bottle off the dresser and whipped it at the wall. It made a dent in the drywall and cracked the lid in half.

I realized it was a cologne Ari got me a couple months ago. I don't give a fuck. I paced around the room, my emotions a blur and my thoughts completely incomprehensible. One thing I knew for sure, I was going to kill Niall. I wasn't just angry, I was hurt. I loved her so much; no, I love her. No matter what, she'll always hold my heart. This is why I don't like to get attached. Every one hurts you, there's no way around it.

What kills me is that I didn't deserve this. I was at home, sick, waiting. I shouldn't have even let Niall go in the first place. I knew all this time they had something going. I thought for once though, I could love someone and have them love me back. I can't even think about her anymore. It makes me nauseous, she drives me absolutely mad.

I hear the front door softly opening, followed by some whispers. I immediately become even more infuriated than before, as soon as I see Niall's face I'll lose it. Do the rest of the boys know? Yeah, I bet that fucking asshole was bragging about it to them all morning. My fucking girlfriend. Mine. She's mine, even if I don't give a fuck anymore.

"I hope so." I hear that Irish accent, and I can't stand being up here anymore. My breathing becomes uneven, and I get out of my room, taking the stairs quickly. I know they can hear me, their voices have stopped. I skid around the corner, and see them all in the kitchen.

Niall's eyes widen when he see's me walking with...purpose towards him. "You think you can touch my fucking girlfriend!" I yell, pushing back with both hands.

"Oh shit- no, Harry-" He starts, clearly scared out of his wits. I cut him off.

"Don't make up and excuse you bastard!" I push him again. Something's keeping me from just straight on smashing his head into the closest wall. He stumbles back a coupe steps, and puts his arms up in defense. I need him to just fight me back already.

"I thought we were friends! She was the only person left that loved all of me!" I didn't notice that tears started to form in my eyes. My face was hot and I must've looked pretty pathetic to the boys. Niall was in shock. I pushed him again.

"We are! I'm sorry!" He defends, his eyebrows knit together.

"Why'd you let this happen?" I cried at him, my voice still raised. He straightened himself up a bit, but I quickly punched at his shoulder, pretty damn hard.

"Harry, stop." Someone put there hand on my shoulder, I push their arm off me, turning and seeing Louis with a worried look on his face. "It's okay man." He quietly says.

"It's not okay! How could they do this?!" I want to scream, cry, just break down. It's like my heart's being torn to bits inside me.

"We get it mate." Zayn encourages. They don't get it. Not a bit. It's impossible that someone could feel as much pain as I do right now, I can't even imagine it. I drop down to my knees and notice how hard I'm crying, and cover my face with the crook of my arm.

"No you don't!" I scream at the world, removing my arm from my face as I start wiping at the shameful tears all over my cheeks. I hate crying in front of the boys. Obviously it's never been to this extent, but anytime it happens it's embarrassing.

I notice after a minute that they're al sitting on the floor now too, propped against the cupboards of the fridge, stove alike. I look at them questionably.

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