Chapter 9: The Dark Lord is Back

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Song for this Chapter: Ready, Aim, Fire by Imagine Dragons

I walked slowly over to Neville, the orb lit up at my presence near it and the shelved lower so I could take the orb off its pedestal. The smoke into swirled and form a face inside the orb and a voice came out for the orb when it was in my hand. "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches. And the Dark Lord shall mark her as his equal but she will have power the Dark Lord knows not. For neither can live while the other survives." The face disappeared, but the light reminded. I stood there trying to understand what the orb just said but I wasn't given much time. 

"Jamie!" Hermione shouted. I pushed my way in front of my friends to see a man walking toward us. He was wearing a Death Eater's mask, the same ones for the graveyard last year and I had a feeling I knew who this was. 

"Where is Sirius?" I asked him. 

He continued to walk toward us. "You really should learn how to tell the difference between dreams and reality." He pulled his wand out from the top of a cane, removed his mask and proved my guess right. Lucius Malfoy. "You saw what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Now, hand my the orb." 

"Take one step toward us and I'll smash it." 

Someone cackled behind Lucius. "She knows how to fight." Bellatrix LeStrange stepped up beside her follow Death Eater. "Neville Longbottom. How's Mom and Dad?" She taunted. Neville flinched, I don't know if he was gonna run at her, dual her or if she actually scared him but when he did, I grabbed his wrist and she pointed her wand at him. 

"Let's, everyone, just calm down. All we want is the orb." 

"Why did Voldemort need me to get it for him?" 

Lucius sighed. "You're a curious one, aren't you? Prophecy orbs can only be retrieved by who the prophecy is made for." He slowly stepped closer to us as other Death Eater came out of the darkness, forming a circle around us, boxing us in where we stood. Lucius started to try and make a deal, if I gave him the orb he'd help me to understand all the questions I had about my life. Something about the way he spoke to us and when he stopped Bellatrix from fighting Neville gave me the feeling that he really didn't want to hurt us, but I wasn't falling for it.

I waited until he was right in front of me. "Now!" I shouted. My friends and I shot stunning spells their way. Some it hit and some reacted quick enough to get out of the way. We all took off in different directions and fought our way to the door. We all collided back together after being chased all around the Hall of Prophecy and Ginny fired a the Reductor Curse at the Death Eater flying toward us. The spell, however, hit everything in that Death Eaters general area. When the first shelf fell over it took all the others with it in a domino effect. "Get back to the door!" 

We took off down the aisle as the shelves began fall, one by one, around us. We reached the door and I was filled with relief. All that was left was going through this door, out of the Ministry and back to Hogwarts, only it wasn't that easy. When we stepped through the door, we didn't enter the Department of Mysteries hallway. We fell several stories and before we hit the ground below our descend stopped and we softly hit the ground. 

I gathered myself first and helped everyone else up, making sure they weren't hurt. One of the Death Eaters had punched Luna in the face, but the rest of us had only minor scratches. After I checked everyone out, I heard voices. "Where is that coming from?" I asked, looking around the room to see who was talking. The only thing in the room, other than us, was a stone archway with a clear mist moving inside. I couldn't help be feel we actually weren't alone in this room, like someone or something was just inside the archway. "Can you understand what they saying?" 

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