Football Game

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One Week Later

I walked into the house from school. It was Friday so I had a whole weekend to just lay around and do nothing. It had been a week since I spoken to Chresanto I mean I see him at school all the time but never speak to him. It was the weekend of his Football game and I would be attending it because I had already sorta promised I would. As I entered the kitchen I saw my Aunt on the phone so instead of speaking I just grabbed a plate down and went into the fridge and got some cold pizza.

Aunt:Mmhmm Thank You I will make sure I let her know........ Bye Bye

She hung up and I took a bite out of my pizza.

Aunt:Aiyanaa you're pregnant the test came back positive

I nodded my and hugged my Aunt

Aunt:You're being so mature about this

Aiyanaa:It was my mistakes that caused this so I'm just gonna deal with it and raise my baby on my own

My Aunt looked me in the eyes and smiled at me

Aunt:I'm so proud of you baby girl you are going to be a great mother

She kissed my cheek and left the kitchen. The truth is I wasn't happy about having this baby. The only reason I didn't cry was because I cried so much about it I had gotten tired of crying and decided to look on the brighter side. There are a bunch of 16 year old girls who raise their baby's on their own. What makes me different? I can do this! I finished eating my pizza and went straight to my bedroom showered and went to sleep.

Saturday Evening

I showered again and got dressed

I showered again and got dressed

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Outfit Above

I walked downstairs and grabbed my Moms car keys and headed out of the house. I drove to the school field and when I arrived there were already tons of people here. I got out of the car and lol locked the doors before heading inside like everyone else. I heard a bunch of people telling me hi and I spoke back to majority of them before taking my seat and the game began. Our team had an early lead on the other team and it was pretty amazing. After a long time the game finally ended and everyone was greeting the team on the field. I started to leave until some guy came up to me and tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw it was Davis from my economics class. I smiled at him

Aiyanaa:Hi Davis

Davis:Hey Aiyanaa. What are you going here???

Aiyanaa:I came to watch the game. What are you doing here??

Davis:I play Football didn't you see me out there??

Davis laughed slightly and at that moment I notice his uniform.

Aiyanaa:I am so sorry I didn't even notice

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