Chapter 8: Some Drama & Some Talent (Part 1)

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(Marinette's POV)
It was the big night, Lauren and I were getting ready for the talent show that night in my room. I then asked with two outfits,"Ok, I need your opinion, which one should I choose?"

She then saw me with  Cat Noir and Ladybug inspired dresses. One was Cat Noir and one was Ladybug. She then said,"One sec."

She was texting someone at the moment, which I wondered about. As she then looked up she said,"Cat Noir."

"Really?" I asked,"It doesn't look tacky, then again do either of them look tacky."

"I promise you, they're both great and you should with the Cat Noir one," she explained.

As I then nodded I put on the Cat Noir dress with the  close suit design as well as the belt. I then had a hood on it with cat ears stitched in it. Lauren picked out the shoes which were long black boots. She wore a striped shirt with an orange jumpsuit, and did a Marina & The Diamonds makeup tutorial so it would match the picture she had found of her earlier, She came over to me and said,"You're gonna need this too."

It was a ringing with a paw print and I then asked,"Where did you get this?"

"Adrien made it," she said with a laugh.

"Laugh it up all you want," I said,"I just hope he would like this."

"Oh don't worry, Mari," she said,"He will."

"Why is that?" I asked her.

"You'll see," she said.

At the school....
We then came in to see everyone ready backstage, Alya then saw Lauren and I. Alya was dressed in short black dress with straps and no sleeves and heels on. Her hair was curled but pulled up. Nino then came over in a red suit with blue shirt and with no hat or headphones. He the said,"Wow..look at you two, you look great."

"Thanks, Nino," I said,"Where's Adrien?"

Nino and Alya then started to laugh a little making us a little confused. I then asked,"What's so funny?"

"Hey guys," said a voice coming over.

This was person was in a red with black polka dotted suit. He had a black bow tie as well as well and said,"What's going on?"

I then looked at Lauren with a shocked look on my face. Looking back at my boyfriend, as he noticed me with my Cat Noir dress with hood. He had a bright red face as red as his suit. He then said,"M' look amazing."

Everyone then laughed because of how cute they thought we were. Dang this is embarrassing! I then turned to Lauren saying,"Is this what you couldn't tell me about?"

She then nodded while laughing a little, but Adrien then said,"Come on, don't you like it?"

I then thought about it, it was pretty cute and really cheesy but who cares. Adrien then gave a pouty lip as I then said,"I love it, ok, are you happy?"

"Of course, because I'm here," he said,"With you."

I then blushed as I then kissed him on his lips saying,"I'm glad to be here with you too."

Lauren then asked,"Hey where's Nathanael?"

She then felt hands fall on her hands saying,"Guess who?"

She then grabbed his hands off her face saying,"Hey.."

"You look beautiful," he said hugging her,"You actually like Marina."

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