Encore Chapter 11

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"Hey, Laine! Please get up, aren't you excited to see me? It's been a long time since we saw each other!"

Tique slapped my thigh when I didn't answer after a few seconds. "I-I am excited! I'm up, w-we'll be there in a few."

Dalton was dying of silent laughter as I spoke, so I kicked him on the ankle to save me from this awkward mess. "Great. I guess I'll see you then!"

"Y-yeah, sure..." I muted the call and looked at Dalton who's still laughing. "Dalton! Take your phone and talk to him or whatever! I'm up now, okay?!" I handed him his phone and he took it while still slightly laughing. "I'll be outside if someone needs me," he said and vacated my room.

"Now that you're up, missy," Tique got on her feet and pulled me up, "Go and get ready. Wear nice clothes, okay! And don't be such a slowpoke."

"Wow, thanks." Mark the sarcasm.

"You're welcome, Lainey!" she said and went out of my room.

I can now imagine how awkward later will be. I almost already forgot how to talk to him. It sounds stupid but trust me, once you get to experience it, you'll feel the same way.

After doing everything I need to do, I eyed at myself on the mirror and once I was satisfied with my look, I took a deep breath and stepped out of the room, heading to where everyone was.

"About time, Lainey!" Tique said, standing up and looking at Cassidy and Dalton. "Should we go now?"

"Yup. It's not a long drive," Dalton said while grinning. "You look beautiful, by the way, Laine."

"Yeah, I get that all the time." I joked.

Tique and I made sure the house's doors and windows were secure before heading to the front door. We were using my car, since an uber doesn't sound nice for the post-concert strain we'll all be experiencing later. We piled in the vehicle, Dalton on the driver's seat, Tique beside him and me & Cassidy at the back.

"You all good?" Dalton asked, glancing at us from the rearview mirror. "Have everything in there? Did anyone forget to grab anything?"

After reassuring that we have everything we needed, Dalton started to take us on the road.

"Why are you guys so unaware of Will's show? Don't you all go on Twitter or Instagram anymore?" the driver asked.

"My feed's dead," Cass answered. "I follow too many profiles."

"Yeah, same here," Tique said. She and Dalton both looked at me through the rearview mirror. "Yeah, like you guys actually had to wait for my answer." I said.

That's the thing. I didn't unfollow him though, no unfollowing happened when we broke up.

I just have him muted.

Okay, I know, I am the worst person ever. I don't know why I muted him in the first place. A week after I did, I already wanted to unmute him because I kind of realized it was a childish thing to do, but I was too lazy to go to his profile.

Or I was too bitter to do it. Either of the two.

Dalton chuckled, "Can't blame you. After a few hours of locking himself in his room the day you guys broke up, we talked. He told me he muted your accounts because seeing you on his feed makes him sad."

"What?! He did that?!" Cassidy immediately reacted.

Uhm, oops?

I raised my hand. "Can't blame him as well, been there, done that."

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