Part 6

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Lucas Friar and Maya Hart broke up every Tuesday. The first time it happened Lucas questioned what he had gotten himself into. It had been less than a week since that early Saturday morning and Lucas thought that he may be cursed. Their break up lasted until early the early morning of Wednesday when a young blond woman snuck into a young blond man's room to his relief because he was beginning to have difficulty sleeping alone. For this reason no matter how difficult their relationship ever since that early Sunday morning in October Lucas Friar never slept with the window closed.

Farkle Minkus didn't like Tuesdays because something bad always happened. Tuesday was the day that his father lost his fortune. Tuesday was the day that his mom left her wedding ring on the counter for the last time. Tuesday was the day that Isadora Smackle decided to switch schools. Lastly Tuesday was the day that Riley Matthews decided to kiss Zay Babineux.

Kissing is an odd concept. How did it even come about? Did a caveman and a cavewoman press their lips to each other's and decide "hey this feels nice. Let's make a big deal about this." Then passed the practice down from generation to generation until the first time you put your lips against someone else's became a rite of passage. Something giggly middle school girls whispered about. No matter how much meaning or emphasis someone puts on the act it's still just two lips meeting somewhere in the middle. When Riley Matthews kissed Zay Babineux it felt like just that.

It started with a conversation. If Riley Matthews was completely honest with herself it started way before that. It started with a boy on the subway. If only Maya could have left that poor boy alone, it might have saved them all this drama.

Maya and Lucas were now in an established relationship. They held hands in the halls. Sat next to each other at lunch and seemed like they were the only two people that mattered. Except for Tuesdays. Tuesdays were a different story.

"Are you ready?" Zay asked Riley in the odd floor between floors.

"Ready for what?"

"It's Tuesday." He said knowingly. Right Tuesday. Riley was prepared. She had Maya's favorite candy in her backpack and was ready to bash Lucas as much as she wanted to. Tuesdays weren't so scary anymore.

The two friends took and deep breath and walked it to the next floor. What they saw surprised both of them. Maya Hart and Lucas Friar were making out in front of her locker like it was Monday.

Seeing Riley's pained expression Zay said "Want me to tell them what day it is?"

Riley waved him off. If Riley was completely honest with herself she actually liked Tuesdays. It was a day that she and Maya could spend together without a text from Lucas to break the spell. If she was really honest with herself then she would admit she also liked Tuesdays because for about 24 hours Lucas Friar was single.

It was stupid Riley knew she was in the middle of a triangle that needed to end but she thought, was hoping anyways that Lucas might have chosen her. She thought back to that very first day in October on the steps with Farkle. His words still echoed in her head

"Well Maya does seem more mature than you." Riley thought about what the upperclassman had told her. What was high school about? Friday night parties and Monday morning break ups. Was this the life she wanted? Yes.

In an attempt to change her life forever she stood up on her tip toes and pressed her lips to Zay's.

There was no magic, no fireworks, no spell to be broken. The sound of plastic breaking made Riley and Zay spring a part. There was Farkle standing at the foot of the stairs starring shocked at what he had just seen. His model of a double helix lay broken at his feet. The look on his face could only be described as heart break as he turned to go down the stairs leaving his project behind.

"Riley, what did you do that for?" Zay asked. Riley barely registered his voice her eyes still glued to the broken model on the floor. Riley took off running down the stairs to try to catch up with Farkle.

Maya attempted to go after her but was stopped by Lucas. "They need to work this out on their own." Maya nodded he was right.

The Zoo.

In order to celebrate an entire week of dating without breaking up Lucas decided to take Maya to the Central Park Zoo. This might not have been the best idea Lucas Friar ever had.

Normally Maya hated zoos, and parks, basically anywhere families gathered. Yet standing here watching the new tiger cubs play fight with Lucas's arm around her and a cup of coffee in her hand she didn't mind it so much. "Why are you in such a good mood?"

"Because it's Tuesday and you haven't broken up with me yet." He looked over and saw by her expression that maybe she hadn't realized the Tuesday rule yet.

"Why would I break up with you?" She laughed. "I love you." She smiled then the realization of what she said sunk in and she pulled away from Lucas. "I have to go."

She practically ran from the enclosure.

"fuck." Lucas muttered to himself. "Maya!" He called. She was gone. Lucas Friar understood why Farkle Minkus didn't like Tuesdays.

Morning. Outside.

Riley Matthews stood on the steps of Abigail Adams high school rubbing her arms. In her haste to run after Farkle she left her coat in her locker.

"Farkle!" She called. He kept walking,

"Farkle stop."

"Do you think I was joking when I said I love you?" he said when he finally turned around to face her.

"Farkle what..."

"Well I wasn't. I've loved you ever since that Halloween party in the first grade. I watched you go after Lucas because I thought he could make you happy. I let Charlie chase after you because he seemed like a good guy. I can't let you chase after Lucas anymore. He made his choice he doesn't love you. I know I'm not good at sports and I probably couldn't win a fight. I'm just a stupid nothing, but I love you Riley Matthews."

When Riley kissed Farkle she understood what those cavemen were getting at. She understood why people wrote songs about this. She understood the magic and the fireworks. She didn't care that it was starting to rain and people were starring.

They pulled apart once they realized that the bells they heard were actually the late bells for class.

"Farkle, I love you too." She said. At that moment she was filled with so much happiness and warmth that she no longer cared about Lucas Friar.

That Night.

Maya Hart paced the floor of her room so much that she thought for sure that her downstairs neighbor would complain. She can't believe she told Lucas she loved him. It was true she did. Or at least she thought she did. What did love even mean?

Her thoughts were broken by a knock on her window. She rolled her eyes and let Lucas in.

"What do you want Huckleberry?"

"I want you to stop." He said slightly out of breath. "I want you to stop trying to push me away. I let you try because I didn't want to scare you away. I wanted you to feel like you had freedom to come and go as you please. I can't keep doing this."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying I love you Maya, no matter how hard you push I'm not going anywhere. You can't scare me. I know who you are and I'm not going to leave."

There were tears in her eyes as she walk over to him and put her arms around him. In the moment Maya understood. She understood what it was like to love someone and to know that they weren't going to leave.

"I love you too." Was all she needed to say.

The End.


I didn't intend for this story to be so short but I feel like this is the best place to stop without it dragging. Thank you so much for your support over the past year. It's been so much fun to write and even more fun to see that people are enjoying what I write. Stay tuned for my next Girl Meets World story!



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