How Are We Gonna Tell Splinter? Pt. 2

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While the turtles frantically searched their lair for Irrilia, she was crawling through the large corridor-like parts of her new home. She gazed in awe of the area. Everything was so big and strange. Irrilia was fascinated by it all. Soon enough, she found herself in an even stranger place; this one had a giant tree close to its center with golden and red patterned mats on the rock-hard floor. Wooden panels covered half of the walls with a few shelves that had candles on them and spears, swords, and sticks on the walls. Irrilia couldn't resist going in to explore.
She crawled through the odd room while observing every detail of it. She made it to the center of the room where light came from above and showered that very center with bright sunlight. Irrilia thought it was pretty. She also liked the mats with their very detailed designs and charming colors. But her favorite had to be the ginormous tree. She loved its thick, brown trunk which was twisted and bent and the pile of numerous deep green leaves that decorated its long branches on top.
Right before Irrilia could reach the tree, she was stopped by an unfamiliar shadow looming over her. She looked up to see a very tall rat-man with chocolate brown and white fur. He wore a red kimono with what seemed like bandages wrapped around his wrists and forearms. Irrilia couldn't see his feet due to them being hidden by his long kimono, though she could see a long, pink and hairless tail coming from behind it. The rat-man looked down at Irrilia with surprise.
Master Splinter wasn't sure what to think at first. He was definitely not expecting something like this. He knew it was a baby, obviously, but he wasn't too sure where it came from. Or whose it was. He carefully examined the infant. She looked very familiar to him with her head-shape and plastron. But she also possessed a lizard-like tail and her eyes resembled a salamanders.
Splinter then remembered that his son Raphael had told him some time ago that he had a girlfriend who was an alien creature called a 'Salamandrian', which was a race of humanoid Salamanders. Could it be...?

Splinter put two and two together and realized that there was very little doubt that this little child, a girl, had to belong to Raphael and his female mate. Now one would think that Splinter would be very upset about one of his children becoming a parent at a young age, but his real reaction was the opposite.
Splinter sighed with a smile on his muzzle.
He leaned down to pick up the Salamandrian-turtle infant. "It has been many years since I held a baby girl..." he said. He held the small child in his arms. Irrilia looked up at him with confusion, but then started to smile. She reached up a big hand to touch his face. Splinter pressed her hand between his fingers and caressed it. She still smiled at Splinter and he smiled back at her. "I assume that the loudest one must be your father." he softly said to the child.
And funny that he said that since, just a moment after he uttered those words, there came a loud yell from the other part of the lair.
"Calm down, Raph! She's just a baby. She can't have gotten far. Right, Donnie?"
"Sure, Leo, because we know so much about Turtle-Salamandrian hybrids..."

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