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We had decided the park would be a suitable place to stay the night. It was a couple miles away from our neighborhood and had plenty of trees and bushes to hide us. And besides, who would go looking for two grown teenagers in a park at midnight?

"I have to admit," I said, propping my hands behind my head and leaning against a tree trunk, "I thought running away would be a bit more... exhilarating."

"It is." Violet said from where she was laying on the grass. "You just have to wait. Maybe the police will come, mix things up a bit."

My eyes widened. "The police?"

Violet laughed. "I'm just messing with you." I relaxed. Then she quickly added, "Maybe."

"So what's the plan?" I asked, gazing up into the endless array of stars. "Assuming we're not just going to live in the park for the rest of our lives."

"Don't worry, I have a plan. We just have to get away with this for a year or so, and then we'll be eighteen, and more importantly, no longer minors and free to be our own people." Violet responded, blowing a piece of blonde hair off her face.

"Where do you plan to stay in the meantime?" I asked.

There was a long pause, and then she finally said, "With an old friend."

"An old friend?" I repeated. "Who?"

"It's not important." She said, waving the subject off easily.  "Another year." She said again. "Then we'll be free."

Free. The word sounded so blissful, yet so unattainable. I tilted my head back, exhaling deeply.

"Hey," Violet said, sensing my discontent. "It's gonna be okay."

I hope. I thought.


There are many pleasant ways to wake somebody up. You can whisper their name, or play their favorite song, or even tap them lightly on the shoulder.

Chucking a pop tart at the sleeping individual was certainly not one of them.

But yet here I am, crushed pop tart next to me, and a pissed off Violet glaring.

I rubbed my eyes, then my back. My spine was soar from leaning against the tree trunk all night. "Oh look, it's sleeping beauty." Violet spat. "Glad you finally decided to grace me with your consciousness. I've been trying to wake you up for ten minutes!"

I frowned, rubbing my eyes again. Different tones of orange, yellow, and red painted the sky. The sun was peeking over the horizon. "What time is it?"

Violet chucked my bag at me. "Time to go."

And just like that, we were off, myself given no explanation or slight hint of the location we were headed to.

The day progressed, sun rising and cars spilling into the streets. Violet eyed the cars wearily.

"I don't like this." She muttered. "Too many people who can see us."

I cocked my head to the right. "There's an alley over there."

She nodded. Let's go.

We both ducked into the alley. It's brick walls were covered in chewed-up gum and ash, and used cigars and trash littered the ground.

I wrinkled my nose at the smell. "What died in here?"

Violet shrugged. "I live with five boys. This is nothing."

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