Attack on the innocent

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"May have you seen Carl"Lori asks "No"I say "Where was he last"Rick asked worriedly "he was in the tent"Lori says I sighed "I will go look for him I got nothing else better to do"I say and grab my hatchet I have gotten good with it "Be safe alright"My dad says "Yea yea"I say

I begin to walk off into the woods "Carl!"I whisper yell just in case of any walkers around "Carl!"I whisper yelled again I Stepped over fallen branches and the rope with the metal cans tied to it "Carl! When I find you are so dead! You dumb ass!"I whisper yelled God what a dumb ass he had one simple rule

I hated Carl I didn't know why I just did But he liked/Hated me too I continued to walk through the woods Gripping my hatchet "God Carl why are you such a Idiot"I said under my breathe "Carl!"I heard someone yell back at camp Lori She was always losing him

I hated Lori too I hated everybody Here Even my dad I even hated Rick Like I said I hated everyone I was depressed ever since this started i changed my dad did to I had to become Strong and brave and grown up The one good thing about this is that I don't have to worry about school or Dance or anything

"Carl!"I whisper yelled once more "Over here!"I heard him say I walked in the direction of the voice. He was picking Berries! "Those are poison"I say "Glad I didn't eat any"He says "Get your ass up where going back"I say "I can take care of my self"He says I laughed "No you cant! I can you cant! Wheres your weapon huh your gun! Your bravery!"I yelled

"I don't need any of that stuff and why do you hate me so much! I asked if you wanted to pick berries with me and you told me 'Get lost!' So if anything its your fault I'm out here alone!"He yelled And stood up I was now towering over him with my height I smirked "You think you can take care of yourself huh"I said viciously

"I can"He says "When you get bit and torn up by a walker I will laugh so hard 'Big guy'"I said and pushed him He fell to the ground with a thud "Why do you hate me"He says "I hate everyone"I say "Get your ass up where going back to camp"I say

"Fine"He says I heard the snarling and 5 walkers stumbled from the bushes I grabbed Carl's Arm and i pulled him behind me I took my hatchet and I brought it into a walker's Head I tried to pull it out but it was stuck!

"Dad!"I screamed I let go of the hatchet Grabbed Carl's Arm and I pulled him along As I ran "May!"I heard my dad yell getting Closer and closer "Dad! Walkers!"I screamed He came running with Rick and Lori from the bushes "Get behind us!"Rick yelled we did and They fought them they shot and killed them all

I was shaking with fear and my heart was pounding the walker with my hatchet in my head wasn't dead and My dad aimed his gun bit A crossbow Bolt went into the walkers head It fell down dead and A man came from the trees with a crossbow

"The hells all this screamin bout"He said in a country accent It was Merle's Brother Daryl My dad turned to me "May are you ok..Hey deep breathes deep breathes"He said calm and gently I had a panic attack a few weeks ago

and that was bad I almost died He grabbed my hatchet and put it back in my belt "Just breathe alright just breathe"He said gently

Back at camp

Daryl has Yelling at Rick and my dad for the past hour "So you mean to tell me you left Merle Handcuffed to a rooftop!"Daryl yelled I sat on top of the R.V feet dangling over "He was hostile!"Rick yelled "Well what building I will go get em!"Daryl says sternly

"Its in Atlanta its to dangerous!"Rick says "Let em Go! I will shut him up!"I say "Hey you listen here you little bitch!"Daryl spit "You listen here! You jackass! Your brother was a asshole!"I spit back

"May! Stay out of this!"My dad says sternly "What ever"I say and roll my eyes "Look I will go with you we left some tools behind anyways"Rick says

Yay He is leaving lets hope he doesn't come back! But now Carl and Lori are going to be annoying as hell

(After they left)

I was by the lake With my dad Catching frogs..with Carl I caught another frog and threw it in the ice chest "You know May maybe one day I can bring you out here teach ya to swim"My dad says Carl laughed

"You don't know how to swim!"He laughed "yea well atleast Im trusted with a knife Shit for Brain"I say "May watch your mouth"My dad says I roll my eyes "Im going back up"I say I stand up and I begin to walk back up the path to camp Kicking the rocks into the water

I walk back up to camp "Hey May"Andrea says "Hey"i say I hated Andrea and her sister Amy one of the most my list was

1. Carl

2. Lori

3. Andrea

4. Amy

5. Rick

6. My dad (Shane)

7. Merle

the Rest where meh "Hey May where about to do laundry you have been wearing those clothes for quite some times why don't you go change"Carol says "Ok"I say I went to my tent and I zipped it close I grabbed another pair of jeans they where ripped just like all my other jeans 

I put them on and I took off my shirt and I put on a loose black army shirt and a Camo jacket Andrea got it for me at a store while on a run I put back on my boots and I on my beanie and Grab my dirty clothes and I walk back to Carol I hand them to her

"You look cute"She says and walks down to the water I climb up to the R.V Dale is still on watch he always is on watch "How much you wanna bet those dumb asses don't find merle"I say "I will bet my R.V On that"He says I chuckle

My dad and Carl walk back up With Lori "May. Why don't you and I have a talk"My dad says "Im good"I say "That wasn't a question"He says sternly I roll my eyes "Yes dad"I say and I jump from the top Of the R.V I walk to my dad he puts his arm on my back and we walk to our tent

He kneels down to my level "I need you to stop your attitude"He says sternly "Well I need you to stop Acting like Carl is your son! His dad is here! His dad is alive! So stop trying to Fuck Lori! and Take care of your own god damn Daughter!"I yell

He grabs my wrist hard I yelp out in pain "Stop it!"He yells He squeezes harder and harder "Owww! Stop! Im sorry!"I yell in pain He let goes and i fall to the ground "You act like that one more time and I will do worse to you you understand"He spit I nod I run back to the R.V 

 The sun is setting and its almost dinner time Amy and Andrea are cooking dinner I hop down from the R.V Just as dinner is finished being cooked Andrea makes me a plate and I begin to eat drinking my water too Dale climbs down and Sits in his chair and begins to eat Everyone else joins too 

Dale says a speech about some bullshit I wasn't really listening Amy gets up and walks to the R.V  I heard the snarling and the screams coming from Ed and Ih heard the screams from Amy and I saw the walkers "May! Sophia! Carl get onto of the R.V Now!"My dad yells I grabbed Sophia's Hand I pulled her Along Carl followed Sophia climbed up first then Carl a walker was stumbling to us I pull out my hatchet and Forced it into its brain and pulled it out I climb up

The R.V I heard Gunshots "Dad! Behind you!"I screamed as a walker was coming up behind my dad Rick and the other came from the trees And started killing the walkers They where all dead and so where many of out survivors 

Like Amy and Ed I jumped from the R.V I ran to my dad and jumped into his arms "Its ok its ok. hey are you are you bit"He asks "No I'm fine"I Say "The kids should sleep in the R.V tonight"Lori says "May Carl go get your stuff together get in the R.V And head on to bed"Rick says 

"Go on May"My dad says I walked to the tent having my hatchet at hand I grabbed my duffle bag and I walked to the R.V And put my bag down "I call the bed no arguing"I say "Why don't i get the bed"Carl argues I said no arguing 

"Because Im the biggest"I say "Well we could share"He says Did he just! "Carl! No!"I say I lay down on the bed "Im sorry"Carl says 

"About what"I say "for the reason you hate me"He says "I hate a lot of people so don't take it personally"I say "How come you act like your not hurt by people dying and why your not scared"He says "Im always scared I just do a good job of hiding it and I'm used to losing people"I say 

"Good night"I say "Goodnight May"He says I close my eyes and I drift off to a sleep filled with nightmares 

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