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I open my eyes to see my dad lying on the cot asleep I get up and I put on my jeans and Boots and I brushed out my clean hair for once I walked down the hall into the cafe thing and everyone was already eating Glenn Hungover AF

"Morning"I say "Morning"Dale says "Morning May"Carl says "Morning"I say I sit down at the table and begin to eat Its just scrambled eggs Lori sits next to me And my dad walks in with a huge scratch on his Neck "What happened to you"T-Dog asks

"Must of done it in my sleep"He says He didn't and I'm sure of it "Ive never see you do that before"Rick says "Yea me either "My dad says "Never let me drink again"Glenn says Everyone laughs I drink my water and I finish eating "Im gonna go read"I say I get up from the table and walk back to the room and i grab the book from my backpack

I begin to read it its a good book so far

My reading was interrupted by my a knock at the door "Who is it"I say "Its Sophia"She says "Come in"I say She opens the door "Hey"I say and close my book She walks in And closes the door "Hey Uh I was wondering if we could talk"she say

I nod she sits next to me "Do you like Carl"She asks "No"I say "Well he has a crush on you"She says and giggles Oh god "Ha! Funny! Well tell him I hate his fucking guts"I say "Why"She asks

"Because He is just annoying and he acts like he is brave but really He can barley even hold a knife"I say She sighs Then the lights go out "What the hell!"I say Its now Pitch black I manage to find the door and I open it and step out into the hall way

(1 hour later)

It all happened quickly The generators where about to run out which mean decontamination of well the entire building exploding I was running down the halls to the door followed by everyone else We got to the main door I counted down in my head


"Dad gun!"I yelled he tossed me a handgun and I pulled the trigger on the glass Nothing didn't make a dent 35..34..33..32 "Get back!"Rick yelled as he put on a grenade on the floor I ran behind my dad

I heard a explosion and glass shattering 30..29..28 We jumped out and ran to the R.V i ran faster and faster i opened the door to the R.V And I hopped in


Every else followed "may get down!"My dad yelled I ducked under the table

3..2..1 I heard a huge explosion People where dead Jacqui,Edwin

I saw the debris as Dale started the R.V And we drove away

(I know this part sucks i hated the parts with the CDC So sorry!)

"Get some sleep"My dad says He noticed I was out of breathe from running and I was panicked "Hey May its alright Here breathe alright"He says "I know dad I'm fine i just..Nothing"I say I walked to the back of the R.V Laid on the bed and fell asleep

(3 Hours later)

Fort Bennett Thats where we go its safe Or so I have been told well people thought the CDC Was safe and now look The sun beamed down

We were walking around looking in cars on the highway while dale fixed the R.V I found a car and I opened the door Having my hatchet ready I found comic books! Yes! "Hey Carl!"I say He runs over "Will you carry these back to the R.V for me I would since there MY comic books but I have to keep looking"I say emphasizing the My

He rolled his eyes And walked Away I smirked and i grabbed the comic books And I stuffed them in the bag i have and I continue I heard snarling I looked behind me to see a huge herd

Rick motioned me to get under the cars I Got under one Carl got under it too I put my hand over my mouth as I saw the feet stumble past some with and shoes and some with just bare feet

Carl and I scooted closer together I felt his fingers brush against my hand and he placed his hand on mine I pulled it away And I gave him a glare

And he looked away I heard the loud snarling The footsteps kept going and going And the snarling got louder and louder Carl reached for my hand once more and I let him hold it

As I saw the feet pass by it got louder and more and more I held my breathe as I felt my heart race and i begin to panic

My heart begins to race faster and faster I Clench my fist And I bite my lip and hold my breathe My heart slows to normal speed Carl looks at me with a worried look I nod Saying 'Im alright' The snarling dies down and the feet shuffling Becomes more faint

Carl lets my hand go I see Sophia Climb out from under neath the car and I hear snarling and Her screaming I climb out from under neath she ran into the woods Rick follows after her "My baby!"Carol says

"Everyone alright"My dad asks We all nod "My baby!"Carol says "Its alright Rick will get her she will be alright"Lori assures Carol I climb back into the R.V I sit on the couch And I take deep breathes Trying to calm down I notice Andrea dragging a walker out of the R.V I ignore that fact I close my eyes and I end up falling asleep

(the next day)

We haven't found Sophia And we are gonna go look for her again we looked this morning no Luck I grab my backpack and Hatchet I hope we find her she is one of my only friends well more like my only friend "I wanna go too"Carl says great

"Let him go I'm letting may go"My dad says "Alright"Rick says We climb over the barrier and Into the woods We walk through hearing leaves Crutching and sticks breaking "Why cant i have a knife"Carl asks "Because your not old enough"Rick says "But May has one"Carl says "Yea and I'm older and More mature than you and oh yea Im not a dumb ass"I say

"May Watch your mouth"My dad says I roll my eyes "Yea yea"I say We continue to walk through the woods I hear snarling "I got it"I say And pull out my hatchet and I walk to the walker and force the hatchet blade into its brain and I pull it out with a kick

And we move on The sound of leaves crunching and sticks breaking under my feet calmed me I let out a sigh "Sophia"I say I hope she hears me I hope she isn't dead We come up a hill up to more forest "She couldn't have gotten up there"I say "Well we have to try"Rick says 

"Here may I will give you a boost try and find something"My dad says i nod He lowers himself and He cups his hand I place my foot on his hands and He lifts me up I grab onto a tree root and i pull myself up And I get to the top 

I look around There is a rope but it looks molded and it might break Then I see Carl climb up I help him up And I tie the rope to the tree doing a Clove Hitch knot and I let the rope down 

Rick climbs up and then my dad "Lets go"Rick says and we follow him I grip my hatchet "You alright"Carl asks "Yea I'm fine"I say Not looking at him "You sure I mean you seemed pretty panicked back at the Highway with the herd"He says 

"Carl! I'm fine you should try living with Anxiety in this shit storm"I say "May"My dad says "Yea yea"I say My dad and Rick stop and we do to I notice a deer 

My dad aims his gun at it but Carl walks forward towards the deer slowly My dad lowers the gun Carl walks to the deer slowly And the deer doesn't move it just stands there Looking at Carl

I smile He was close to the deer He reached his hand out about to touch it 

Until I heard a gunshot and Carl feel to the ground and then I realized 

Carl had just been Shot 

Shane's Daughter-The walking dead Where stories live. Discover now