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Me And Kian Have Been At It Every Night For The Past 2 Weeks.

I'm really starting to like him.

I hope he likes me.

I know a lot about him now. And we have a lot in common.

He rides penny boards, he use to cut, he drinks alcohol, he had a metal piece, everyone in his house hates him, he smokes when he's stressed, we don't know what's going on.


July 18, 2016 1:30 am

"So, Kian" I started. He looked at me.

"I think I'm getting adopted" I said with a smile.

"Really?" He asked. He didn't look happy.

"Yeah, this dude named Chris is adopting me in 2 months! Isn't that great?" I asked excited.

"Yeah, whatever." He sounded rude.

"What the fuck is wrong?" I asked. I felt like he would be more happy for me.

"I don't know, your- your just my only friend I have had...... Ever." He sadly said.

"We can still hang out and talk" I said.

"And smoke together?" He asked with a little giggled at the end.

"Yes Kian, and smoke together" I smiled at him.

We both laughed.

"We should go somewhere" he insisted.

"Where wold be go at this time Kian?" I asked.

"Idk, we could go get icecream..." He suggested.

"Where on Earth would we get the money?" I asked another question.

"Sam's wallet" he made an evil grin.

"Meet me in the front in 3 minutes" I said and snuck outside.

Kians POV

I saw Mack go inside and so did I.

Sam was my roommate and he was 17. He had a lot of money because he had a job.

I bet he wouldn't notice if we took a 5 dollar bill...

I went over to his night stand as quietly as I could and grabbed his wallet underneath the lamp.

I pulled out a Lincoln and headed out the door.

I tiptoed and saw Mack waiting by the road.

She looked so cute with her sweatpants and sweatshirt and messy hair.

Macks POV

"Ready?" He asked me.

"Was pretty much born ready" quoting Zootopia.

We both giggled and started walking towards the pier.

"How much did u grab anyway?" I asked.

"A 5" he said grinning.

I giggled and kept walking.


We got to the icecream stand and the man scooped out icecream.

I got cookie dough and Kian got strawberry.

After we got our icecream at 5$ even, we walked across the shore.

We just talked,

and talked,

and talked.

That's all we ever did.

"Mack?" He said my name.

"Yes Kian?" I answer.

"Have you ever thought of getting married and having kids?" He asked.

"Sure I've thought about it.... I just.... I just don't know who with.... No one wants to marry me or be all lovey dovey with me.." I explain.

"How about you?" I ask.

"I've always wanted to have little me's.... And I've always wanted to meet the love of my life. But just like you, idk who would ever love me" he said.

"I WOULD" I thought to myself.

His eyes,
his hair,
his voice,
his smile,
his style,
his personality,
his everything seemed so attractive.

"Are you thinking about relationships now?" I ask.

"Yes, yeah I am" he stuttered.

"Have you met any girls lately?" I wonder.

"Yeah," he mumbled.

"What's she like?" I ask.

"She's a bad girl, but I know she is sweet.  I believe she's insecure about herself, but I love everything about her." He went on.

"Her brown hair curls just right, and lays perfectly on her shoulders. She try's to act cool and innocent but she's very funny and sweet on the inside." He was looking at my lips, then to my face non stop.

"She sounds good for you" I sadly say looking down.

He picked up my face by two fingers on my chin.

"She perfect" and then our lips crashed onto eachothers

as we stood in the sand

Waves crashing on shore

The stars above us

We can still hear the cars on the highway.

It was long and passionate.

I know he likes me.

Inhale, Exhale |Kian Lawley|Where stories live. Discover now