Chapter 11 - The Letter

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Odell POV

I don't know what I'm doing man. My heart is telling me to take her back but my mind is all jumbled up and confused. Watching her cry was the worst thing ever and I just sat there like I didn't care but I really did. Seeing Trey's face... he looked so disappointed in me, I'm losing it man. I had this dream last night and I don't know if it was a sign or what, so this is what happened.

Dream -

*in the middle of a argument*

Y - Odell, do you really think I need you that bad?

O - What are you talking about?

Y - I spent 3 months begging for you back but I know now that I deserve better.

O - Baby, you can't leave me. I need you

Y - yea and I needed you 3 months ago.

* Y/N walks off with Chris*

End of Dream -

And that's how I woke up sweating. I gotta get her back but this time forever. I decided to finally just sit down and read the letter. I went to the dresser and reached for the letter. After taking a seat back on the bed I began reading.

Letter -

Dear Odell,

I don't really know where to start. Maybe I should say that I'm sorry. I spent hours trying to find the right words when all I really need to say is I'm sorry. I never gave you the chance to speak on the decisions that I made. In a relationship we're supposed to talk things out and I definitely didn't consider your thoughts. Odell, I will always love you and I want you back. I miss you so much and I've made a huge mistake that I hope you can forgive me for. I really hope you can read this and understand where I'm coming from. Odell, I'm surrendering. I love you and I don't want to fight anymore, I just want you back in my arms. I'm not cheating, it was just very bad timing. Believe me, I can't stand Jacob so much I just might move out. I want us to be able to trust each other again and be happy together again. No more fighting baby. I love you so much, let me come home.

~ Your Wifey, Y/N

End of Letter -

I began crying after the 3rd sentence. She means the world to me and I didn't give her the chance to speak. I guess we both have listening problems. I'm gonna fix this sometime tomorrow. We're not gonna end this way. I called Trey up and told him to come by the house. I showered and took care of Sidka before he pulled up with some pizza.

T - Wessup bro?

O - I um, need your help man

T - With what?

O - Y/N, can u get her here?

T - I promised her I wouldn't force her to be with you. She said " Let us just move on"

O - Oh she's moving on? *voice cracks*

T - I guess but, still try

O - I read the letter. You were right. She did love me

T - And she still does, she's at my house. Go talk to her.

I smiled at him and grabbed my keys.

30 minutes-

I pulled up to his house and knocked on the door. I couldn't stop smiling knowing I would finally be getting my baby back. It's been a good 5 minutes and no answer, I knocked again and I hear her yell.


*door opens*

Y - *scrunches face* can I help you, Odell?

O - um, can we talk?

Y - we are

O - Well can I come in?

Y - No *tries closing the door but Odell places foot between the door and the frame.

O - Please give me a chance to explain.

Y - What is there to explain Odell? Huh? You made it perfectly clear you didn't want me and I took that and accepted it. I've moved on and you should too. Now move Odell.

O - Please baby. Look I read your letter, I didn't know you felt this way. I know you're not over me and I'm not going to move on. I love you and I know for a fact you love me. Y/N, stop pushing me away.

Y - I don't think you understand the words coming out my mouth. You pushed me away for a month and 5 days. How do I know? Cause I cried every last one of those days. I needed you a month ago and what did you do? Huh?

O - I know I pushed you away and I'm sorry. Please just, let me see you baby. I miss you, I'm sorry. I messed up big time.

Y - Odell, I dont want this anymore. I loved you a while ago...past tense and I moved on a while ago...also past tense. So just stop trying to fix something that's missing too many parts.

O - ok, if this is what you want then have it your way. *walks to his car with his head down and drives off*

WHAT IS Y/N THINKING!! She could finally have him back, do you really think she's moved on?

Sorry I've been out for a minute, I've just been thinking a lot about this story and whether I should keep going because I feel like my chapters are very repetitive, Lemme know what you think?

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Thanks Loves💕

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