Chapter 7-end it with a yang(lol)

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I turned around to see the blood and guts of all my friends including ash but no yang

"W-what? N-no it's a trick f-for sure r-right? Cmon guys y-you can c-come out n-now. Y-you've h-had your l-l-laugh."

I then heard coughing

I ran over to my dying friend ash and began crying

Ash:" [y-y-y/n] y-you *cough up blood* n-need to s-s-save *coughing more* y-yang."

"No! Don't die on me ash! I need you."

"[y/n] please. It's to late f-for me."

Ash then died in my arms

"I will avenge your d-death my brother. I will avenge all of you!"

I ran upstairs and into the attic to make sure she wasn't there but she was


I saw my fiancé crucified to the wall


I sat there drowning in my own tears when I heard footsteps coming behind me

I turned to the source of the footsteps to see multiple alpha beauwolfs

There were far to many for me to take on

I knew that I wouldn't be walking out of this alive

But then I saw something I hoped never to see again

???:"hello baby. Did you miss me? I sure missed you. You wanna know the best part of all this? Now nothing can get between us."

My ex


"How could you do this cinder."

"Easy. Because I love you and if you won't love me back then I'll just kill you."

"Well I don't have anything to live for anymore so I encourage you."

Cinder growled at me

"Don't do this [y/n], I know you still love me."

"Sorry, have we met before?"

" I thought higher of you [y/n] but clearly I was wrong and now. You will suffer."

Suddenly all the Grimm jumped at me but all I could do was close my eyes


My eyes shot open and I was breathing heavily

"[y/n] what's wrong?"

I turned to the voice (we're doing a lot of turning aren't we😕)

I burst into tears at the sight of my fiancé and embraced her like there was no tomorrow

"I'm so happy your okay yang."

"Woah calm down [y/n] what's going on?"

"I just had a bad dream is all."

When I said this someone ran into the room and jumped onto the bed

"Mummy, daddy!"

I was completely shocked

"When did we have her?"

"What are you talking about [y/n] we had her four years ago. Are you ok hun, you're acting weird."

"Right. Sorry honey."

I kissed yang on the forehead

"Ok run along now (d/n) your father and I will be out soon."

"Ok mummy."

"She definently has your hair and eyes."

" well she got being stubborn from you. Alright! Now hurry up we gotta go cook breakfast and get ready."


We then got up and got dressed

I had no idea what was going on but I didn't care because I had yang back

And a beautiful little baby girl

I just hope everyone else was ok aswell

We continued out to the lounge room of our house which seemed new to me but apparently we've been here since last year

"It sure is dark in here huh yang?"



'No not again please no'

Suddenly the lights flickered on and I immediately went into defence mode


I let my guard back Down as ash walsed in over to me and gave me a hug

"Happy birthday bro"

"T-thanks ash."

I forgot today was my birthday

I was so happy to see everyone was okay and in one piece

I couldn't help but tear up


The party had finally ended and everyone had left and (d/n) was asleep

Yang began walking over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck as I did her waist

"Happy birthday babe."

"Thanks hun. It certainly was different."

"How so?"

"That's for another time. Right now you have to give me my birthday kisses."

Yang giggled and we kissed


Yang and I lived gracefully the rest of our lives and (d/n) grew into a fine young huntress


A/n: trolololololol I couldn't just let everyone die. That'd be way to obvious and I'm sure we can agree. Sorry about this one being short. I hoped you enjoyed the book and read my others. That'd be great and be sure to leave a vote and or comment that too would be great. I really enjoyed writing this book and I hope you enjoyed reading it.

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