Untitled Part 1

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The word reincarnation is mainly known as life after death. The word itself means reenter the flesh meaning to become a human again but of a different form or appearance. But that your soul is in another human form as your soul carries on but not your body. Many religions believe there is more to a soul after a human dies, religions such as Christianity and Islam believe that the souls exists in another world, but other religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism believe that one soul is put into another life form which they are born.However the religion Judaism is mainly focused on what in happening in the future and not what will happen in the afterlife. This is called reincarnation or life after death.Not everybody that believes that this concept is real,is religious as they may not believe in god existing but believe that god is not the cause of us having another life in another body. Hinduism is seen as one of the most recognisable religion that believes in the concept that is life after death.It is called Samsara. To then this concept is caused due to karma as it affects where you go after you die. For example what level you are at. so if a person had lived a good life and had done good actions that meant that it led to a better rebirth. but if a person has bad karma that means that they have a worse rebirth so that the don't have as good as a life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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