Remember December

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*Demi’s POV*

     “NO! NO! Shut up! Please!” I heard Miyah yelling from her bedroom.  What was going on?  Was she okay?  I ran down the hallway to her room.  I walked in the room and I didn’t see her anywhere.

     “Miyah? Sweetie? Where are you?” I searched the room with my eyes frantically.  I spotted the bathroom.  There was a light under the crack of the door.  I walked over to the door and pushed it open.

“Oh my god! Miyah!” She was huddled in the corner with tears streaming down her face.  I looked in her hand and she was holding a razor blade.  I thought that I took all of those away from her room!?  I walked over to her.

     “Sweetie, give it here please.”  She just stared at me.  It looked like she was looking right through me.  What time is it anyways, I asked myself.  I looked at her bathroom clock, 3:52 AM.  I carefully took the blade out of her hand making sure I didn’t cut myself or set her off.

     “D-D-Demi? You hate me now right? You think I’m a freak right?” She asked me with tears running down her face and her voice trembling.

     “No babe, I would never think that about you. Do you want to talk about what happened?” I gently coaxed her into getting up and she let me clean up her cuts.  There were at least twenty fresh ones on her forearm.  I cleaned her up and walked her to her bed.  I put her under the covers and crawled in with her.

     “Demi, I’m sorry. I just woke up and a bunch of negative thoughts ran through my mind. I don’t know what happened. I must have had a nightmare. I’m sorry” She kept apologizing and I felt bad.

     “It’s okay, stop apologizing please. Let’s just go back to sleep and we can talk tomorrow, okay?” I asked her, hoping that she would agree.  She did and we snuggled under the covers and I fell asleep almost instantly.

*Miyah’s POV*

     Demi fell asleep almost instantly.  Her arms were wrapped around me as I turned over to get comfortable.  I felt bad for doing that to Demi but I had a terrible nightmare.  It was last December.  I haven’t had this nightmare in ages. 


     The mean girls from school came to my house and my parents let them in, believing they were my friends.  It was Christmas morning.  I went up to my room and they followed me up there.  They locked my door and cornered me in the corner.  They started calling me names.  Fat, ugly, bitch, worthless and were telling me things like, go kill yourself, go cut yourself emo, maybe you should skip a few meals fatty!  I started crying and the pushed me to the floor.  The main girl, Rosalie, pulled a gift wrapped box out of her pocket and threw it at me.  I opened it up and it was a blade.  She took it from me and asked me if I wanted her to show me how to use it.  I started crawling away from her and her two sidekicks, Saige and Scarlett, grabbed me and held me down.  Rosalie started pulling the blade across my wrist as I sat there and cried.

*End of Flashback*

     I tried really hard to forget that memory but I couldn’t.  As I rolled over, closer to Demi, I thought to myself.  I guess I will always remember December, lucky me.

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