Brand New Day

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*Demi's POV*

After I got home I walked in the door and found Selena sitting on the couch watching television. Right away she could tell that I was drunk and I regretted what I had just done.

"Demetria Devonne Lovato I cannot believe you just went out and drunk! What about your four-year-old daughter!?" Selena screamed at me.

"Oops?" I slurred. Selena angrily grabbed my hand and started walking up the stairs. After she basically threw me in my bedroom and tucked me in I laid there contemplating what I had done as she walked back down the stairs to leave. I looked over at the alarm clock on my night stand and realized that it was four in the morning, no wonder Selena was angry at me. I guess I'll just have to go to sleep and sort everything out tomorrow. I really hope Becca talks to me tomorrow it's been ages and she still won't talk. I really hope Miyah is okay too. I haven't heard from her in forever and I get to bring her back home tomorrow. After thinking and laying in bed for about another hour I finally turned over and went to sleep. It was 5 AM.

*Miyah's POV*

I woke up to something touching my lips. I open my eyes and realize that McKenna was standing over me.

"Wake up sweetie, it's time for breakfast," she said planting another kiss on my lips.

"Fabulous," I state sarcastically.

"Come on, I'll help you through it, okay?" She said taking a hold of my hand.

"Fine," I said getting up and out of bed. Kenna and I went down to the cafeteria for pancakes and bacon and it was currently eight in the morning. It's too early for this shit.

"Miy?" Kenna asked with a worried look on her face.

"Yeah, babe?" I questioned.

"What if your mom and sister don't like me?" She asked picking at her nails.

"Hey, they are going to love you, I promise. Now my mom is coming to pick us up in one hour so let's go pack our stuff. Don't worry princess, I promise she will love you," I tell McKenna reassuringly.

*Demi's POV*

"Becca! Just get in the damn car seat!" I scream as she wails. She has been talking to me all day but she has been fussy and whiny. She confided that she was mad at me for sending Miyah away but, too bad kid.

"No! It's not comfy!" She screamed throwing her sippy cup at my head. That's it, I'm done with this child.

"Rebecca Jane Lovato! Sit your ass in the fucking seat right this minute or you are going to be in big trouble young lady!" I say putting her in the seat and holding her down against her will. She keeps screaming and fighting as I buckle her in. Finally I get her buckled, though she is still bawling and screaming. I get in the front seat and start driving to Timberline Knolls.

"Juicy! Juicy!" Becca whines from the back seat.

"No, you threw it at Mommy's head so you don't get it back," I tell her sternly. Don't give in Demi, I think as I listen to my poor baby scream. To ignore her tantrum I turn the radio up and keep driving.

*five hours later*

We finally arrived at the treatment center and Becca had finally fallen asleep an hour ago. Carefully, I lift her out of her car seat and wrap her legs around my waist carrying her. She snuggles into me and puts her head in my neck.

"Miyah Lovato and McKenna Richards?" I ask the lady at the reception desk. Miyah had asked me if I could pick up her friend she made as well and I obviously couldn't tell her no.

"Follow me Demi," the lady smiles as she leads me to a different room.

"Mommy! I'm so happy to see you," Miyah yells running into my arms. She carefully avoided hitting Becca and waking her up as I hugged her as tight as I could. Becca still in my arms.

"You too baby girl. Is this Mckenna?" I ask.

"Yup, " she says popping the "P". After we all get settled grabbing their things and putting them in the car, we head home. Since Becca is still sleeping it is way easier to get her in her seat this time. I strap her in and Miyah and Mckenna get in the back next to her, me up front by myself. Today is going to be a day of bonding between us girls. I can't wait to get to know Mckenna and spend time with my baby girls together for the first time in a long time. It's a brand new day, and it's going to be a great one.

(A.N) Okay, please don't kill me... I know it has been almost 3 weeks since I updated but I've just been really really busy with school and everything else... You know what I mean... :/. I know that considering I had pretty much three weeks to give you guys an update that it should have been long and good... I'm really sorry that it's so short and terrible. I need some more ideas and I just need time where I'm not busy and frustrated and struggling to figure out what to write. Also I updated the cover of this book and I used Pizap which is in the App Store and it's also on Facebook, I hope you guys like it. Yes, please do not kill me for changing what the girls look like. I think the picture of Miyah looks way better than G Hannelius. G is really pretty but this girl just fits the description better. Also I thought this girl playing Becca was cuter than the last... Please don't hate me. Oh, and this is dedicated to Demsavedme for getting the most information right... Sorry if others got it too but that was the first one I saw and she guessed what Demi was doing correctly so... I think she also guessed why Becca was angry... Which was correct. Anyways guys I'm so sorry it's short and terrible please don't kill me and I hope you enjoyed at least some of it. thanks. Also sorry for this authors note that seems like a book. If you read the whole thing comment waffles. I had them for dinner, unfortunately..., don't judge me, lol.

Oh by the way... OMG I am fangirling so much. Demi's concert on the neon lights tour last month on the 30th was so freaking amazing. I was 5 feet away from the stage could see everything and oh my God her got dynamite dance is just perf! Also, during two pieces she went off the stage and walked around and she touched my hand... Best day of my life!!!

<3 Stay Strong <3
Christen :)

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