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When I got home no one was in the living room. I went to the kitchen to get some water before heading to the bathroom for a shower. I got the water and went to my room. I took a shower and got out. I put on my mini floral dress and some sandals. I went to seat in the dresser, dryed my hair and let it hang loose.

I applied some make up and a touch of a mascara. I went to my window to take some selfies. When I was to take one I got a call. Unknown number. I rejected the call. It called again. I took it. 

     "Hello there, can I please speak to Theishar Corebeny?", the caller on the other side asked with a French accent. Now who could be that?

     "Speaking ".

"Bonjour my lady this is your secret admirer. Nice dress by the way. Can you please turn around?", who's this? He's killing me. I turned around and looked down on my window. There he is, he's wearing a wide grin. It's as if he's pleased to see me. It's Scott.

"Care to come down to me bapey?, he asked me gesturing for me to come to him. I dropped the call and left the fone on top of my bed. And went straight to him. When I got him, he gave me a warm hug and he spun the hug around. How did he know I loved that?

He put me down and said he has something for me. I wonder what is that? And how did he get in my house? My house is very secured they don't just let anybody in without any valid proof to be within these walls. Even my dad's business associates have some sort of a pass ticket. I hope they won't kill him for trespassing.

He took me to the garden. There was a table set out beautifully. Two chairs, wine and a gift bag.
I wonder what's in there. Gosh, I've never been in a date before.  I guess I'm gonna love it. He pulled the chair for me and sat me down. He sat to the chair on the other side of the table.

     "Some wine?", he asked me politely.I smiled.

"Yes please", he took the wine from the ice bucket and opened it. He took my glass and poured me the wine and so for himself. He gave me my half full glass of wine.

  "Thanks", I took a sip and put the glass down.

      "You can open up your present miss", he said gesturing to the gift bag on my left side. I opened the gift bag and got a small box in a size of a wedding ring box. I wonder what's in here. I closed my eyes and opened the little box. When I opened my eyes Scott was standing next to me. I looked back in the little box in my hands. It was a silver necklace with a little nice silver earring having a blue front.  I took it out.

  "Wow Scott,  it's beautiful?!".

      "You like it?", he asked.

"I'm inlove with it".

        "Well I'm glad Angel, let me help you put it in", he said taking it out into my neck. I scrunched my hair up to the side so that the necklace can sit beautifully.

"Done", he said. I let my hair fall back. I took a look on my chest. Wow it's seated beautifully. I looked up at Scott. He smiled.

     "Thanks Scottie, I like it", I let out a grin.

           "Pleasure my Angel. My granny gave it to me before she died. She told me to give to the first lady that'll ever take my breath away. And that lady happened to be you Theishar. I don't like you but I love you. I want to be with you. Please give me a chance bapey", he said brushing the top of my hand with his thumb.

    I kept quite and looked at him.  I looked at his thumb tracing circles in my hand and back at him. His facial expression changed to sudden sadness. His deep blue eyes soaked in faint tears. His lips had a small shiver. He was scared of my response. But I loved him back. Question is would I be able to give him a chance? Well yes how can I miss on him? I'd be a fool not to.

    "Scott? ".

"Yes?," he raised one eyebrow.

     I locked my eyes with his.

"Let's give it a shot",I raised my wine glass up to his. He looked relieved. He's inlove I can tell.

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