The Article

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So I was thinking what was the logical seemed pretty simple to say that it wouldn’t be smart for her to hide a key near her I went with the second closest choice.
So I went to the Ne corner of her room. I checked near her dressers, and inside of her dresser. I checked near her lamp and everything. Nothing…


So I decided to think this through again. wouldn't it be better to hide a key in a space opposite to you bed. So I went to her NW corner and looked on her book shelf. There was no-
What’s this? I ask myself as I see a little pocket that was hidden from view by a book. Inside here there laid a small key made of yew!


I spotted the key and immediately left Kenzi’s room. But I failed to notice the newfound letter lying on Kenzi’s bed.
Anyways my curiosity was getting the best of me so I decided to open the locket.
I inserted the key and turned it
*Click Click Click*
And suddenly a small compartment opened.
What lay inside the Compartment was a small piece of paper folded up repeatedly.
It was a bit crumpled but it was legible.
There on a small scrap of paper showed a newspaper article with certain words highlighted.
But why was this in here?
I was scanning the paper when suddenly a scream erupted from outside
I ran outside to see Kenzi nowhere to be seen and a group of weeping angels standing near the Tardis doors. I ran back inside as quick as possible and used the Tardis tracking to find her. It took the Tardis a while to travel a bit so I looked at the page…
When I read some words I threw the paper on the ground wanting to burn it, hoping that it wasn’t true.
But I still had a bit of sanity so I picked up the small piece of paper and reread those same words.
“Kenzi Salem-Lost from family. If you find her please dial this #” that’s not what the doctor had a fit from.
Kenzi is the lost cousin of Amelia Pond…

The Time I Met a Mad Man ( Doctor Who, Watty awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now