Part 2

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Austin's POV:
Ally came back into the room, with a smile stretched across her face.
"What'd he say?" I curiously ask.
"Umm, well, he kinda wants to go out-"
"WHAT?!" I stand up firmly. "He can't go out with you! You're taken!"
Ally sighs. "This is where the jealousy kicks in." She looks at me.
"Sorry." I say as my face turns a bright red.
"I was going to say that he wants to go out to lunch with me some day." Ally smiles as she looks at me.
"Oh, um, cool." And, as you can probably tell, it wasn't cool to me.
"Are you okay?" She asks me as I try to fake smile as if I'm happy about this.
"Yeah, totally..." And, once again, I wasn't okay. My girlfriend was going out as "friends" with a really smart guy that she clearly has a great relationship with. This is great. Just great.
"Do you like him?" I blurt out without thinking.
"Ha, no. Not at all. He's an awesome friend, but I don't have feelings for him one bit." She replies.
I smile widely and take a deep breath. "Good, because you'll always be my girl." I lean in for a hug. She hugs me back and rests her head on my chest.
"Oh, one last thing." I say as I gently release her from my grip.
"What is it?"
"Can I go with you on that date? Ya know, because you're just friends..."
"Uh, I guess...Austin it's not a date you know."
My gut is telling me that Ryan has a crush on Ally. Why else would he want to catch up with her?
"Okay. When are you guys going?"
"Tomorrow at noon. I'll tell him you're coming." She starts walking into the other room.
"Okay." I smile. She comes back into the kitchen, where we were talking.
"Just out of curiosity, why exactly do you want to come with us?"
I look up at her and think for a quick second about my response.
"Well, I just want to protect you..."
"Alright, I guess..." Ally looks puzzled and walks back into the other room.


Ryan's POV:
The next day at noon...
I'm sitting there reading the menu at the diner when I see Ally come towards me, holding hands with another guy. Who is that? My mind wonders. Wait, Austin Moon. Is she dating him? Didn't they break up? I sit there, smiling at them as they come, but confused.
"Ryan! I've missed you!" Ally comes over to hug me really tight, letting go of Austin's hand in the process. Okay, good. At least she let go.
"Hey, Ally! I haven't seen you in so long! How's it been?" I ask Ally. I look into her hazel eyes. Wow. How is someone so beautiful?
"It's been pretty awesome! You know, music, tours, my new album, but it's been so different."
"That's cool! And Austin! I'm a big fan." I reach out to shake his hand. He shakes my hand as he speaks.
"Thanks, man." I can see the envy on his face as he looks into my eyes.
"Well, do you want to order?" Ally asks as all three of us sit down.
"Yeah!" Austin says, sitting down very close next to Ally. I see this and scoot closer to her.
"So, what are you guys gonna get?" I ask.
"I'm not sure yet." They say in unison. Then they look at each other and smile.
"Oh, also, today is on me." Austin says.
"Aww, what a gentleman! Thanks, Austin!" Ally smiles and continues to look through the menu.
"Nah, I'll pay." I state. "Anything for this lady here." Ally looks at me and smiles. I can see the frustration on Austin's face as I say this. Just then, the waiter comes over.
"Hi, I'm Karissa. I'll be your waiter. Are there any drinks you'd like to start off with?"
"Um, do you want to share, Ally?"
Oh great. They're sharing. Are they really that close?
"Yeah, sure! Maybe the pomegranate smoothie?"
"Sounds good. We'll have the pomegranate smoothie. Thanks."
"Okay. And for you, sir?" She looks at me.
"Can I get water? Thanks." I say.
"Yep. Lemon with that?"
"Uh, yeah." I agree.
"Okay. I'll be right back with your drinks." Karissa takes our menus and walks away.
"So, Ally, what's going on with your personal life?" I ask, not only curious about her life, but also to mess with Austin's mind.
"Well, I've got a dad and a mom, but they got divorced quite a while back." She looks down as she says the last part.
"Oh. Any siblings?"
"No, she doesn't have any siblings, Ryan." Austin joins in.
"Yeah, what Austin said." Ally looks over at him again.
I'm getting really annoyed at this Austin guy now. Can't she just answer her own question?
"How about your friends?" I question, hoping to get a direct answer to whether or not the two are dating.
"I've got my best friend, Trish, who can't keep a job except for managing. Dez is a good friend too, and he is a filmmaker out in California with his girlfriend, Carrie." She says.
"That's nice. How about any others?"
"Well, I guess you could count Austin since he's basically the reason I started performing in the first place. He helped me conquer my stage fright after he stole my song." Ally rubs Austin on the knee softly, and they smile at each other.
"I'm back with your drinks." Karissa comes back over with their drinks. She puts the smoothie in front of Austin and Ally. Austin put the straw into the glass and let Ally try it.
"Thanks." I say as the waiter puts the glass of water with a slice of lemon on the table.
"Do we know what you're going to eat?" Karissa gets her notepad and pen out and starts on a fresh page.
"Yes, can I have a stack of pancakes with fruit on the side?" Austin asks as he gazes at the lunch special on the menu.
"And I'll have the salad with grilled chicken on top." Ally says.
"Okay. You?" She looks at me.
"I'll have the double cheeseburger with a side of fries."
"Okay. I'll be back with your food." Karissa smiles and walks into the kitchen.
"Anyway, what were we talking about?" Ally looks at both of us with a confused look on her face.
"I think it was about friends." I say.
"Oh, right! So yeah Austin is such a huge part of my life."
"That's cool."
Then it got awkward. Silence filled the table. Luckily, Karissa came back soon enough with our food than we expected. She handed it out and walked away. I saw Austin get up and start to walk away.
"Where are you going?" Ally asks, concerned.
"Washing my hands." Austin turns around and says to Ally.
"That's a good idea." She says as she starts to get up.
"Wait, Ally." I say, just before she leaves. "I need to ask you something without that Austin guy around."
"Oh, okay. What is it?" She sits back down and looks deeply into my eyes.
"Ally, I really like you. I should just start there. I really do like you. I think you and I would get along so perfectly if we were a couple." I look at Ally, whose face is now red from blushing.
"Ryan, I would love to-"
"'s okay. I'm just wondering...Would you go out with me?"
So, how was that? I'll write another chapter veryyy soon. I'm busy a lot during the summer so hopefully I'll finish it soon. Thanks for reading this chapter! Don't forget to comment and follow! :)

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