A Serious Danger ~Part 2

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(In case you want to listen to the song, I have provided the original from the video game, as well as the instrumental of 'Kidnap the Sandy Claws' from the movie. The song is also changed up a bit, with some sections taken out to shorten it.)




Laa, la, la, la, la, laa!
La, la, la, la, laa!
Laa, la, la, la, laa!
La, la, la, la, laa!

You watched as the three children came running out from around the corner with a large square of tan-almost like a sandy color-fabric.

Bring back Mister Oogie!
Let the fun begin!
Time to set some traps for Jack
That will do him in!

First we'll bring the Master back
To take this town away from Jack
And since he'll fight to set things right
We must get bad guys who attack!

You watched them begin to cut out a large shape with huge, sharp scissors as you began to cry out your pleas.

Stop! Please, I beg of you!
I know you hate him, I do too!
But you'll be harming all who's here
And soon the town will disappear!

Bring back Mister Oogie!
Time to do our best!
Once the plan starts to unfold
We'll put Jack to the test!

You sighed as they ignored you and finished cutting out the last of the shape.

Then Mister Oogie Boogie Man

Lock stood up and ran over to some drawers, pulling out needles.

Can take the whole town over then!

Shock added as she grabbed a bunch of thread spools.

He'll be so pleased, I do declare!

Barrel continued as he began to bring out a thousand jars filled to the brim with creepy, crawling bugs.

The whole world should beware!

The three chorused as Lock and Shock began to sew and Barrel continued to unload the bugs from a bathtub.

Once our Master is the king
We'll get away with everything!
We won't get scolded for our pranks,
So to King Oogie, we'll give thanks!

Lock smirked maliciously.

Don't be foolish! Think now,
All this madness isn't fun and games!
When the town is back to normal
Do you really want the blame?

You cried out desperately, but to no avail. They just weren't going to listen.

Bring back Mister Oogie!
This is so much fun!
We'll make mischief day and night
For then we will have won!

✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin