Sweet Dreams

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(2/8/19 A/N : NO, you were not raped by Oogie. Apparently that obviously wasn't clear, and/or this cheater has been widely misinterpreted.)

(10/31/23 A/N: The sentences that led readers to believe the above issue were removed a long time ago. Forgot to remove that A/N when I revised the paragraph. Leaving this A/N instead of deleting the old one because I don't want to go through the comments and delete every single one that pertains to the situation. This chapter is 100% friendly. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.)

This is it. You didn't think things could've gotten any worse, but they did. Somehow, they did. You are (Y/F/N), and you belong to Oogie Boogie.

To be honest, you'd rather take that treacherous Jack than be stuck with Oogie....especially alone. You hate it here! You hate it! There's no escape, you can never just be left alone, and you're constantly living in fear. And it's not like the constant torture is making your situation any easier to undergo.

Freedom. You crave freedom! You're starting to forget what it feels like to be able to do what you want, say what you want, go wherever you want! This isn't a life that anyone should have to live. But, unfortunately, you can't complain too much. Oogie is keeping you alive....for now.

Why are you here? Well, you are bait. Oogie is using you to lure Jack to his doom, and once Jack is gone, you'll be cooked into Snake and Spider stew. Like you said, this isn't how you should have to live.

So here you sit. In the dark, on the couch, looking out the dusty, tinted window. Your eyes gazed at the leaves that jumped from the trees, dancing to the ground. One by one they fell. One by one they landed. They were free to leave whenever they felt ready, unlike you.

"(Y/N)~" Someone sang. You made no movement, no snarls of disgust or expressions of rage, as you recognized the slightly-deep voice of Lock. "Aren't you going to try to escape?"

"What's the point?" You mumbled. "I'll never be able to slip out of your guys' grasp."

"Aw, but we didn't get to have the pleasure of catching you!"

"I refuse to let you bathe in glory. No more fun for you!"

Without thinking, you quickly slapped Lock, sending him landing on the wooden floor. He groaned in pain as he harshly said, "You're going to pay for this!"

Your eyes widened in fear as you began to plead, "No! Please! Not that!" But this is Lock. He doesn't listen to pleas. He feeds off them. He enjoys them. Grabbing your wrist tightly, he pulled you to the chute that led to Oogie's lair and shoved you down with a cackle.

Landing roughly on the center platform of the roulette wheel, you trembled as you felt a deep chuckle behind you, followed by a clinking, rattling sound. You knew that sound; you would recognize it anywhere. Dice.


You slowly walked out of the cage into the night with Shock following behind. You were tired and felt disgusting.

You and Shock walked to the trio's bedroom to see Lock and Barrel waiting on the bed. In their hands were two handcuffs connected with a short chain, as well as two ball and chains.

Sighing, you walked over to the left wall and held out your hands. While Lock locked the handcuffs tightly around your wrists, Barrel connected a ball and chain to both ankles. Once they were done, you raised your arms straight in the air as Shock lowered a crane hook from the ceiling. You got the handcuff chain over the hook and Shock rolled it back up so that you were hanging about two feet off the floor.

As a tear slid down your cheek, you heard the trio's synchronized voices. "Badnight, (Y/N)!"

'Sweet dreams....~'

✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidWhere stories live. Discover now