Chapter 1: The brick wall

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Harry Potter pushed his heavy trolley through the overly crowded King's Cross Station. He was beginning his journey to the wizarding world. More specifically, Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

The bigger-than-average grounds keeper of Hogwarts, Rubeus Hagrid, walked the eleven year old boy through the crowded station, his hand on Harry's boney shoulder so he wouldn't get lost.

Hagrid glanced at his pocket watch once as he walked the young boy through the station. His eyes widened as he realized the time.

"I'm late, Harry. I'm late! My apologies but I'd better be going. Dumbledoor will want to see me." Hagrid explained, patting the pocket in his jacket where Harry had seen Hagrid place the secretive object from Gringotts.

Harry glanced to his ticket, but the tried to look for Hagrid, confused as to where his platform would be. But Hagrid was nowhere to be seen. Harry wandered along, looking awfully confused the whole way. He asked a few people for help, but everybody looked at him as if he were mad. Harry eventually gave up, sitting down on his trunk in front of the barrier between platforms nine and ten. He was visably frustrated that Hagrid hadn't told him about getting to the platform.

"Too many filthy muggles here for my taste." A pale skinned, blonde man, dressed in what appeared to be black wizard looking robes, blurted out with disappointment to his wife. They made their way through the crowd with a boy whom appeared to be their son.

Harry's head shot up at the use of the word muggles. That's a wizarding term... wait! There's a young boy with them. They have to be going to the train! Harry thought, gathering his things once again and quickly moving to follow the small family with haste.

"Excuse me." He said, trying to initiate  his best manners to these wizards. Harry hadn't been taught many manners by the Durseys, no surprise there.

The mother of the family turned around, her short, brown and blonde streaked hair swaying  behind her.

"Yes?" The women asked, hearing the small voice. A small look of disgust crossed her face as she noticed the dirty child who was attempting to speak to her family. The women quickly turned her look of disgust into a smile. He was only a child, after all, she realized.

"How am I to get to platform 9 3/4?" Harry asked while he had the chance to talk to somebody he knew how to get to the platform. He was obviously relieved to find another students family.

"Well... You just run straight at the wall, and you'll be on the platform." The women with s kind tone. The women could only think that this child was muggle born, since he didn't know how to access the platform. Her family despised muggle borns.

Harry nodded in a way that showed he understood. "That's all?" Harry asked, looking up at the women. He didn't realize that it would be /that/ easy to get to the platform.

The pale women nodded again, placing her hand in her son's shoulder. She walked at the wall with her son and husband. They soon disappeared into the brick wall.

Harry gripped his trolley tightly in his hands, starting to run toward the wall. This experience was new. Running through brick walls. It was a bit daunting.

Once Harry stepped onto the platform, he stared in amazement at the large train in front of him. The young blonde boy whose mother helped Harry through the wall snapped Harry from his awe.

"Do you want help with your trunk?" The boy asked in kind of a snobbish tone. It was a nice gesture but the tone wasn't welcoming at first.

Harry accepted the offer, smiling at the blonde boy as they helped hoist each other's luggage onto the train.

Adopted By Death Eaters : Year 1 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt