Chapter 2: Sorting

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Harry heard chatter erupt throughout the first years they followed Professor Mcgonagall into the Great Hall. Harry, he was too amazed to even speak. Draco even nudged him every few seconds to keep him moving when he tended to stop, which Harry was extremely grateful for. He figured he'd look like an idiot if he just stopped and stared at everything he saw as they walked through the Hall as a group.

The witch in the emerald green colored robes introduced herself as Professor Mcgonagall. Soon enough,  all of the new students that followed Professor Mcgonagall reached the very front of the great hall with her. She pulled out a scroll from her robes, opening it up. "Now it is time to be sorted into one of four houses here at Hogwarts... Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryfindor, or Slytherin."

Draco nudged Harry, a smug look on his face at the mention of Slytherin House. He, of course expected to be placed into Slytherin like his father, while Harry had no clue where he expect to end up.

Professor Mcgonagall started to list off names, students appearing out of the crowd and sitting on the stool in front of the whole school.

A few notable names were:

"Hermione Granger."


"Ronald Weasley."

"GRYFINDOR!" No surprise there. All of his orange haired siblings were also sorted into Gryfindor. Except for his youngest sister, Ginny, of course.

"Draco Malfoy."

"SLYTHERIN!" The sorting hat called almost immediately, it appeared.

"Harry potter." Professor Mcgonagall finally called.

Harry slowly made his way to the front, his heart beating out of his chest as everyone around him fell silent. He sat down on the stool, the sorting hat placed on his head by Proffesor Mcgonagall.

"Hm! Difficult. Very difficult." The sorting hat muttered after a few moments of deep thinking, "But where to put you..."

Harry sat with his hands folded together in front of him, nervously staring at all the people staring back at him. He secretly hoped he'd be in Slytherin like Draco. It would be a relief to already have a friend in his house.

The sorting hat went on a few more minutes with its muttering before finally coming to a decision.

"Better be... SLYTHERIN!" The sorting hat yelled, the Slytherin table erupting into cheers.

Harry made his way down the three steps and walked to the Slytherin House table, sitting beside Draco. Draco was keen to congratulate him along with a few older Slytherin students.

The sorting was done and over with within a few more students. Professor Dumbledoor stood to make his few announcement before the feast would begin.

"For all first years who are unaware, the forest is strictly forbidden, along with the 3rd floor, to all those who do not wish to die a most painful death."
Dumbledoor said, looking about the room at his students. "Now, enough of that. Let the feast begin." He said, opening his hands, a large amount of food appearing on the tables.

Harry was quite impressed, yet again. It didn't take him long to load his plate full of food and start shoving it right into his hungry belly. The Dursley's never fed him, obviously. Harry was skinny as a twig. He was overjoyed to have all this food to eat, now. And he sure did take advantage of its availability.

The two new Slytherins, Draco and Harry chatted as they are their food, occasionally responding to Crabbe's comments. He was pigging out worse than Harry was, it seemed.

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