Chapter 3: Potions and Quills

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After breakfast that morning, Draco and Harry tried to make their way down to Professor Snape's classroom in the dungeons. The vast castle was hard to navigate for two boys of eleven years old, so of course they ended up arriving multiple minutes late... More like twenty.

The two sprinted through the door, out of breathe. It was a dark room, rather cold. All the heads in the room turned to look at the pair, including a very unhappy looking Professor Snape. He swept over to them, his arms folded over his chest.

"What brings you here so late?" He asked with a slight sneer to his tone. "Have a seat. Detention with me directly following class, Mr. Potter." Snape said as he slithered back to the front of the classroom. "If you weren't in my own house I'd take points." He muttered as he watched Draco and Harry sit down in their seats.

Harry couldn't help but wonder why Snape didn't give Draco detention when he was late as well. He would certainly complain to Draco about that later.

Certainly from that potion lesson, Harry began wondering why Snape was so nasty to him. And he wouldn't know until years to come.

Harry met Draco in Professor Mcgonagall's classroom for transfiguration after a painful ten minute detention with Snape. At least it was short.

Transfiguration was found interesting to the first years. Turning matches into needles seemed like a big deal to them at such a young age.

Harry glanced over at Draco as Mcgonagall transformed a piece of wood into a quill. They were both very impressed with that. And so was the rest of the class.

The class was released soon enough, the boys heading to lunch with Draco's friends Crabbe and Goyle. Harry sat with them, eating his food happily.

The post came at around noon that day as all the students gathered in the great hall after lunch. Draco received a letter from his mother. It was mostly about Harry and his awful, nasty living experience with the Dursley's.

Draco put the letter down once he'd finished reading. "My mom wants to meet with you this evening in Dumbledoor's office." Draco said, putting the letter in his pocket. Harry didn't dare ask why, he just nodded obedient to his mom's wishes.

After lunch, Harry traveled with his friends to his shortest teachers class, Professor flitwick or something like that. Harry couldn't remember. He sat with his wand out and his quill in front of him. They were to try and make their feathers levitate. Harry could quite grasp the concept. A Gryffindor boy did ended up blowing his feather up. Only Hermione Granger succeeded at the task presented by the Professor.

Once again, Harry gathered his things with Draco and they walked to their fourth class of the day. They always travelled together because they had all the same classes. So it was easy.

After an exhausting day of their brains being over crowded with new information, Dumbledoor summoned Harry and Draco to his office after dinner.

Dumbledoor accompanied the two boys up to his office, which was a long walk it seemed. A women with black hair streaked with blonde stood patiently, waiting on them.He figured that was Draco's mother. Draco ran to hug her tightly.

"Draco! How have your classes been? I trust they've been taking good care of you." Narcissa said, hugging her son.

Draco nodded quickly, smiling at his mother. He then took the liberty to introduce Harry Potter and his mother, Narcissa Malfoy.

Dumbledoor cleared his throat to break up their chatter. "I believe you are here to discuss a different matter, Narcissa."

Narcissa nodded; sitting down in one of the chairs that was situated by Dumbledoor's desk. "Yes, of course. Harry, come here please." She said kindly, holding out her hand to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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