Do I Trust You

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Hey Tacos, quick thing before this chapter starts.

The WattPad Fanfiction Award nominations are currently open, and I attempted a backflip when some of you nominated me for some of my books. I think that's so awesome that you like my writing, and your support motivated me to write in the first place! Thank you all so much, and I appreciate all the awesome support you've been giving me.

If you'd like to nominate me, feel free to do so!
Here is the link to the nomination book ->
There will be instructions in that book on how to vote.

Thanks again for all the support!
Back to the spookiness.

"What do you never do?" James asked, tracing light circles on my knee with the tips of his fingers.

"Fight you."

"And what should you always do?"

"Answer you."

"Good," James smiled. "What was your dream about?"

"You and Tom... You hurt Tom," I mumbled. I wanted to shower, so I had to tell the truth. I had crusted blood on my thighs, grime covering my body. I'd do anything for this shower.

"Why did I hurt him?" James asked, moving his hand a little higher on my thigh.

"Y-You were protecting me from him," I mumbled. I watched his smile grow wider.

"Did you and Tom have sex?"

I could feel my face heat up. I wasn't expecting that question.


"How many times?" James muttered, moving his hand higher.

"Maybe three times... Not very often," I glanced down at the ground.

"How many people have you had sex with?"

"Just Tom. No one else," I said, meeting James' eyes.

"That's good to hear..." James murmured, stroking the insides of my thigh.

I felt like jerking my leg away from him, but that would be considered 'fighting against him.'

"Do you think about escaping?"

I could either answer truthfully, or say what he wanted to hear.

"No," I mumbled, maintaining eye contact.

"Why are you lying to me?"

"I'm not," I lied again.

"Don't fight with me, Jordy. You won't like the consequences," James said through gritted teeth.

"I'm not fighting, I just-"

"You are."

"What do you want me to say?" I blurted out.

"I want you to shut up, and agree with me."

I swallowed the gathering saliva in my mouth.

"Yes, James."

"Good," James said, standing up.

I watched, as he grabbed a small piece of plastic out of his pocket. With one click, a blade flipped out.

"Wait, James-"

"What was that Jordy, are you fighting with me?"

"No, James."

"Good boy," James said, kissing my cheek. "I do this for your own good."

He pushed the piece of metal against the top of my thigh.

I bit down on my bottom lip as he sliced into my flesh.

"Do you want another?"


"What was that?"

I jerked at the rope around my wrists. I wanted to wipe the sweat away from my forehead.

"Yes, James," I whispered.

"Where are your manners?"

"Yes please, James."

"That's my baby," James smiled.

He pushed the blade against my thigh once more.

I yelped out in pain.

James pushed his lips against mine, tugging on my bottom lip with his teeth.

I held back tears as the dots of blood trickled down my thigh.

James held a handful of my hair, bringing me closer to his body, deepening the kiss.

Please stop.

James pulled away, carefully rubbing my thighs, avoiding the freshly made cuts.

"We'll try the shower some other time. I love you."

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