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James carefully splashed the water against my skin, rubbing off any blood and dirt. He was careful around my thighs and fingers.

I was too weak to move, so James had lifted a glass to my lips for me.

After a couple of drinks of water, my throat had stopped burning, and I could kind of talk again.

"You were doing so good," James whispered, rubbing soap along my shoulders. "What happened?"

His voice startled me. He had barley said a word this entire time, I thought it would stay that way.

"I-I..." I tried to speak, but I knew whatever I would say wouldn't help. My hair flopped over my forehead, as I carefully shook my head.

James continued to wash off the grime, his brows furrowed together.

"I didn't realize you'd lost consciousness at first, because I started to get a little carried away... I figured you just couldn't handle the pain, so I left you be... But then you slept for five hours, then hours turned into a day, then one day, turned into two days, then three, and I started getting really worried after the sixth day. You were breathing the whole time, but you definitely slipped into some sort of coma..."

James slowly rubbed his hands along my chest, looking into my eyes.

My jaw dropped, eyes widened.

Six days?

No wonder he was praying, I was so close to death.

James brushed his lips against my forehead.

"The police came while you were out..."

I looked up at him.

"They questioned if I've seen you. I couldn't tell them. I took you so you'd love me, which you do, right Jordy?"

His eyes were full of hope, as he carefully gathered my hands in his.

Remember the plan.

I reluctantly nodded my head.

James leaned close to my face, his hot breath tickling my nose. Clenching my eyes together, I broke the separated space between us with a soft kiss.

As I pulled away, I could see a large smile spread across James' face.

I forced a smiled back, as he massaged my scalp, bubbling up the shampoo in my hair.

After all the suds were washed down the drain, James helped me out of the tub, my cloth boxers clinging to my body.

James made me sit down on the toilet again, while he dried my body with a soft towel. I watched him scavenge through his medicine cabinet, before grabbing a roll of new gauze. He bandaged my thigh first, then my hands.

"Take this, it'll help with the pain," James said, handing me a motrin.

I swallowed the pill with a glass of water.

"Good boy," James said, kissing my forehead.

Lifting me off the toilet, he carried me through his living room. He walked fairly quickly, leaving me no time to look around.

Pushing past a door, James smiled down at me, carrying me to the edge of a bed. He laid me down on the soft sheets, before shutting the door behind him.

"This is our room, Jordy. I can trust you now, and I hope you trust me," he explained. I nodded. "You don't have to go in the basement again, unless you misbehave, understand?"

I quickly nodded my head.

"Good," James smiled, tucking me under the bed's covers.

"Get some rest," he said, kissing me one last time. "Love you."

Adorably Abducted  ✧ Sparklington/SyndiSparklezWhere stories live. Discover now