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Welcome, I'm Angie, the writer ( lol my username) ok. So I do nice book for you to enjoy. I English good. You can tell how great my English is by just reading anything I type. Welp. Enjoy? Ok.



"Mom I'm home!" I yell as I throw the door open as I kick off my shoes and start to go up the stairs to my room. I greet my twin brother Luke as I walk to my room, he greets me back without removing his eyes from the tv. I look into the green room as I walk to my room and look in to see my older brother Mike not there. I stick my head back in Luke's room.

"Where's Mike?"


"You do know this isn't the Internet and you use words like I don't know instead of Idk right?"

"K." K? Ohhhh, he means ok, THAT'S SO EASY TO SAY. UGH.

"You mean ok."


"Now what does that mean? I don't give assholes fudge?" I raised my eyebrow as he muffles a snort. Stupid pig. Eats like one too.

"No its means I don't give an f." He looks away from the TV to smirk at me and I gave him my most bestest unimpressed face ever. Reserved only for him.

"F? What does that mean?" I rolled my eyes playfully while asking.

"It's means F-U-C-K."

"F, U, C, K? Wait wha-" I cut myself off. Trying to make me curse for his entertainment. He's real cruel.

"I hate you Luke, I hate you." I mutter under my breath as I storm away, he laughs loudly at my innocence or whatevers left of it.

But I must say I proudly stuck my middle finger at him while I walked away, which, he also laughs at.

"Alright. Your going to dad's this weekend. Pack up, we are taking the car!" I hear her shout back from the kitchen. I move the hair out of my face as I take out the suitcase from under my bed.

I grab the socks all over the floor and place them onto the bed. I zip around the room deciding if I wanted to bring any of the things I already have or get some new ones.

"I'm going to go to the BaxWar highschool right?" I shout back before throwing my blue sweatpants and pink onzie into the suitcase along with some sweatpants.

"Yes, how could you forget? Now hurry we are going to be late!" I hear her turn off the faucet and come in wiping her hands on her apron. She walks in and stands at the door way hands on her hips.

"Why would you want to go to your Dad's place when you can stay here and go to a different highschool?" She asked, her voice sounding slightly disgusted. I mentally groaned.

We've been over this! Yes! I really want to go!

"Mom, I really want to go to that highschool! Tina and Katelyn are there! So that's why I'm going to have to stay at dad's place!" I yelled waving my hands in the air.

"Okay, okay, I get it. You don't have to yell." She turns on her heel to the kitchen to probably take off her apron. I turn back down to my messy suitcase.

"Wonder how dad's place even looks like?" I mutter as I throw in some converse and some dress shoes. After about a short 30 minutes of packing I shoved the suitcase and sighed as I heard the satisfying click.

"Hurry up." I heard my mom yell from the car.

"I'm coming!" I look into my long mirror and quickly combed my wavy black hair with my fingers and fixed my purple panda shirt. I pull the gray leggings up a bit more and tied my shoelaces. I look into my blue eyes.

You can do this!

I hastily grab the huge suitcase and haul it down the flights of stair, almost tripping at the bottom but catching myself barely. I hauled it into the back trunk and walked to the seat next to the drivers seat, plopping down and slamming the door closed.

"Huh, I forgot to close the door! Can you go close the door?" She hit herself in the head as she's says that. And I reluctantly got back up and went back to the door and locked it.

"Forget anything else mom?" I asked when I got in and started to buckle my seat belt.

"Your brother is also coming!" She said excitedly before getting back up to get him. I groaned out loud.

Yippee! The golden child is coming too! Wait until dad also compares him to me! Note the sarcasm.

I sit there and wait for an hour and I was going to get up and storm the house because mom never let ME take so long packing, when I saw the two figures coming in. Luke was strong so he was able to carry the suitcase slinged over his shoulder with his other hand in his pocket. I waited impatiently as they casually stroll over. Luke looked like me, except he had green eyes from my mom instead of my blue eyes from dad, and he was a lot more handsome than me pretty.

As they got in, I tried to talk to Luke, even though I haven't in a while, Tina and Katelyn have kept me busy.

"How has your basketball game?" I asked.

"It was like any other, our team won, but they were pretty good."

"Maybe you'll get in the Olympics."

"Highly unlikely." Back to the smart words instead of just saying, nah, not possible.

"Hey you can still d-"

"Allycia, I left the door open again, my mistake. Can you go get it again?" My mother interrupted looking over at me. I sigh as I get up again and close the door, locking it again and got back into the car.

"Next time Luke's getting the door." I mumble.

She almost kinda glared at me before starting the car. As we rode I saw mountain turn into hills and hills turn into oceans and oceans turn into the countryside. I look down to see the time, 5:15 PM. It's only been 5 hours since we left the house. I look back up to see a huge white mansion.

"Look! Look at it! I'm so jealous of anyone who lives there!" I squeal.

"No. That's your dad's house." She said, as I heard the disgust now clear in her voice.

"Wait, THAT'S WHERE HE LIVES?!" I screamed.

"Yes, he's name is Steven Max, the billionaire remember?" She replied keeping her eyes on the road.

"Omg Omg Omg Omg OMFG!!!!" I screamed. I saw my mom and Luke look out.

As the car slowed to a stop I burst out and started running around, admiring the huge building where I was going to live in for quite a while.

"Woah." I let my eyes scan up the huge building taking in the architectural marvel.

This is going to be GREAT!


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