Q&A ‼️

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Questions from Bizzle_Roman Follow her and vote, comment, and share for her stories because they're amazing 👏🏾👏🏾

Q: What's your name
A: I can't give away my real name on Wattpad (parents rules 🙃😂😂) but I'll give you the first letter of my name which is K

Q: Nicki or Iggy ?
A: Nicki, but in my opinion their needs to be more female rappers now a days.

Q: Justin or Zayn?
A: Justin 100% Justin 🤘🏾😂

Thanks for the questions Bizzle_Roman  💚

Questions from SophieRealz  Follow her, vote, comment and share her stories because she's great 👏🏾👌🏾

Q: Favorite song on Lemonade ?
A: I honestly  love  them all but my top 6 favorites  are
1) Sorry
2) Formation 
3) Sandcastles
4) Freedom
5) All night
6) Don't hurt yourself

Q: Pizza or French Fries
A: This is sooo hard for me because both of these foods are life but I'd have to say French fries because I love Wendy's French fries with Honey mustard 😭 but Dominos pizza is the best 👌🏾

Thanks for the for the questions SophieRealz 💜

Questions from daekenyagraham follow her, comment, vote and share her stories 😊

Q: (question for character Amari) do you see yourself having kids with Justin in the future ?

A: um... We're still in high school so I don't really see kids or marriage in my future yet but I do know that I love Justin very much and I have a good feeling we will be together forever.

Q: (question for Justin)
if you loved Amari since middle school, why did you wait till senior year to say something ?
A: well I've always loved Amari since the first day in kindergarten but as a sister/ bestfriend her I didn't really notice her differently till the end of middle school and beginning of Highschool and I was planning to tell her in 10th grade but when she was so hung up on that dumbass Trevor she didn't see me but she finally did and we've been together 2 years and I love her.

Thanks for the questions daekenyagraham 💙

You guys can ask me more questions and I'll edit this and add them in 😊


Follow dmclovejb  check out her JB imagines because they're great

Q: what gives you inspiration for each chapter ?

A: Well I usually plan out what I want to do in the chapter before I start writing like Justin did something in real life I try to include it in the chapter but only if it goes with the story.

Thanks for the question

Follow reading4meonly

Question for Justin: when did you first know you were in love with Amari ?

A: I've always loved Amari ever since Kindergarten so I was 5 when I realized it lol.

Question for Amari: Do you regret what happened between you and Justin ?

A: I don't regret what happened because Justin and I have learned from it. I do regret the 5 years without each other over a misunderstanding.

Thanks for the question reading4meonly 💓

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